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Finally! i have been training since I was 13 years old for this job and I have finally graduated from the wretched place called training..

and i will finally get something very important...

" I'm very excited to recieve my quinque." I say as I fidget in my seat, sitting in the passenger seat next to investigator Shinohara.

"Goodness! calm down child! sit back down put your seat belt on! " he says pushing me back into my seat with one hand on the wheel.

"you're going to get a starter quinque until we can average out your skills and decide what grade to put you in." Shinohara explains as he exits the highway.

" I will also be taking you to meet my partner. His name is Suzuya Juuzou, he's already there. " Shinohara says.
"Ah yes, the fuckwit."

" you shouldn't talk that way your only 18. and might I add a girl. " Shinohara says teasingly.

"Oh hush! Being the youngest investigator means I will have more years on the force! " I shoot back at him.

Shinohara chuckles, "You used to not be the youngest investigator. My partner happens to be the first youngest before you. "

" what is he like, 30. Cause I suspect you to be like, 50. " I tease, fiddling with the hem of my dress.
"Actually he's only 21" he answers, pulling into a parking lot.

"Really?! " I say, pleasantly surprised.

"Ah here he is." Shinohara motions forward.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now