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I found myself dressed in one of my older dresses, which seemed to be a bit loose on me. Haise, Mutsuki and Shirazu are being forced to go undercover as women, while and Saiko are just here undercover as investigators.
It seems Nut comes to clubs like this to recruit people for 'part time jobs'.
"Am i the only one who feels out of place?" Shirazu says through gritted teeth. I pat his back,
"You.. Um.. You look great." I tell him. This does nothing to quell his fears. Mutsuki goes off on his own, i watch as he's handed a drink by a waiter. Saiko wanders off into the crowd, im assuming to dance.
  I nudge Haise as I spot Nutcracker. I cock my head in her direction, we all glance at her. Shes talking to some girl against the wall.
"It looks like that girl is going to follow her.. If she does that then Nut might just leave." Shirazu says quietly. I cling to Haise's sleeve, scanning the place for my squad members. I tune out whatever Shirazu and Haise are conversing about, finally spotting Mutsuki.
What No isnt Mutsuki still underage why is he drinking?
I watch in horror as Mutsuki brazenly walks up to Nutcracker, and begins speaking to her.
Saiko returns to us, pulling at Haise.
"Um... Maman.. It seems Mucchanko has been drinking something.." She says, motioning towards Mutsuki.
I rub my face in embarrassment, peeking at Haise.
Mutsuki soon rushes over, excitedly explaining that he'd gotten an address from Nut.
The squad celebrates and saiko pulls them into the crowd to dance.
I glance at Haise, who seems to be deep in thought. His eyes are trained on the three of them, i pull at his sleeve gently.
"Sassan.. Are you alright?" I ask him.
"Just thinking about.. If i regain my memories.. I want to remember you guys." He says, smiling down at me.
I feel a pain in my heart from these words, i hug his arm to reassure him.

Haise and and Juuzou are currently meeting with associate special class Washuu Matsuri, who is leading squad S2 in the Nutcracker case. Juuzou told me to wait outside the door, that he had something to tell me after the meeting concluded.
I lean against the wall, my arms crossed. Suddenly i see first class investigator Mado Akira, leading a pair of male investigators. I quickly bow, realizing they're here for the meeting.
"Good morning!" I say hastily, rising back up to look at them. Once they're close enough, i realize the other two are First Class investigators Shimoguchi and Hirako.
"Ah.. Good morning rank 1 Shiranui Makiko. Are you waiting on Haise to be done with the meeting?" She asks me, folding her arms in front of her.
"You could say that.." I reply. I hear Washuu call for them to enter, i quickly step out of the way. I don't want Washuu Matsuri to know i'm lingering.
The meeting quickly concludes, and those involved are dismissed. They all exit, Juuzou being the last. He turns sharply, walking to me.
"I made a mistake, Makiko." He whispers frantically.
"Juuzou," Haise calls after him, walking up to us. Juuzou turns to look at him.
"Thank you for earlier.." He says simply.
"Ah.. No problem.. I also have someone i'd like to meet after a long time.." He replies smoothly.
Haise bows, "please take care of them." Haise says. Juuzou bows in return,
"Same to you" Juuzou responds.
Haise raises his head, giving me a look before turning and calling after investigator Shimoguchi.
I grab Juuzou's sleeve quickly.
"What was that about??" I ask quickly, worry clear in my voice. Juuzou looks down at me, biting the inside of his lip.
"You, me, and Mutsuki are going undercover to infiltrate the auction." Juuzou says, cupping my face. He rubs just below my eye.
"Your heterochromia will make you desirable.. I offered to go just myself, but Washuu felt the need to make you go too." Juuzou explains, making a dissatisfied noise.
"What? I... Is it because of what was done to me?" I question, gripping his wrist. Juuzou hesitates before nodding, playing with the ends of my hair.
Just fucking great.
I rub my face, sighing heavily. Suddenly remembering why i'm here in the first place, i look at Juuzou.
"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" I ask, he grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the elevator.
"I need to borrow a dress." He says, pushing the elevator button.
He's clearly avoiding the question.
"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" I press him, he pulls me into the elevator once the doors open. We stay silent, even as the doors slide closed. He presses the first floor button, looking around at the empty elevator. Suddenly he pipes up,
"I need you to come over and spend the night." He says, squeezing my hand. I blush, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Should I bring some of my old dresses..? They might fit you.. I was a bit.. Thicker back then." I say, pulling his arm against me and hugging it.
"You were like a cake roll." He says, making a circle with his hand.
"What? Is that what you thought of me?" I ask him, keeping my eyes on the floor number indicator.
"Hmm. You were small and plump. Little sweet thing!" He says, putting a finger to his chin. I scoff, sliding my hand down is arm and grabbing his hand.
"Now.. My sweet is more like.. A tasty donut.. Or is she like a smaller cake roll?" He ponders, staring at the ceiling. I laugh at his analogy, interlacing our fingers.
The elevator chimes as we reach the first floor, and the doors slide open. To my surprise, special class investigator Arima Kishou stood at the parting the doors. He looks down at out hands, a soft smile appearing on his lips.
"Good morning Miss Shiranui, Suzuya.. Nice to see you two are still stuck together." He comments, stepping into the elevator. I go to bow but Juuzou starts pulling me from the elevator.
"A-ah thank you!?" I call after him, stumbling behind Juuzou's fast pace. Arima gives a small wave as the doors close.

"Juuzou, Sassan is blowing up my phone!" I tell him, my phone vibrating like crazy.
Juuzou, currently driving 20 above the speed limit, glances at me.
"Tell him we are almost there! He can wait a few more seconds!" Juuzou says, swerving through traffic.
"Seconds??? We're 5 minutes away!" I yell over the engine. Juuzou laughs loudly, shifting into 5th gear.
I decide to answer Haise's call.
"MAKIKO! we need you to atleast come home before disappearing!!! We have train- WHAT IS ALL THAT NOISE?!" Haise yells into the phone, clearly concerned.
"IT'S JUUZOU'S DRIVING!" I yell back, Juuzou throws his arm across my chest, literally whipping into the Chateau's driveway.
I let out a loud breath, hanging up on Haise. I watch the front door swing open, Haise rushing out quickly. Currently it's 9:57 PM, he's wearing his pajamas and his glasses. I unbuckle my seatbelt, opening the door and stepping out a bit shakily.
"Juuzou what the hell!?" Haise says, walking over to the edge of the driveway, tiremarks on the pavement.
"Sorry!" He yells from inside the car. I hurry over to Haise, grabbing his arm.
"Juuzou drives fucking crazy." I tell him, trying to catch my breath.
Saiko, Shirazu and Mutsuki appear in the doorway.
"Is that Juuzou's sweetheart i see? Where have you been all day?!" Shirazu teases, waving his hand a bit. I sigh and quickly make my way to the door.
"Where did you hear that?" I question him as i walk in. I kick off my shoes, grabbing onto Shirazu's sleeve for support.
"Suzuya's squad can't keep a secret when it comes to Senpai's Sweetheart." Shirazu teases again, patting my head.
"I think its cute.." Mutsuki comments.
"Maman is yelling at Juuzou." Saiko says, pointing out the door.
I quickly go upstairs to my room, rummaging through my drawers and just throwing clothes onto my bed.
Fuck! What do i wear? Fuck fuck fuck.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now