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The bed clips the door frame as its pushed back into my room. The bed is replaced where it should be, and a nurse plugs in the monitor.

"Juuzou...." i say as i sit up in the bed.
"Yeah..?" he response dully.

"i just...i want to know whats happening you're scaring me.." I tell him, squeezing his hand.

Juuzou shakes his head. "i cant tell you...." he says as the doctor walks in with the X-rays.

he silently puts them up, and turns on the light.

I see my torso;

and a huge, mass inside what would be my stomach.
My mouth goes dry and I force down a swallow.

Juuzou grips my hand and the doctor points to the mass.

"This is a tumor....growing in your stomach.. we dont know how long its been there but....its been..a while. from what we can tell.. its not benign." he explains.

my heart, drops. it stops, it flips, it bursts out from my chest, it does all these things at once and it makes me feel....horrible. my hand slips from Juuzou's, my whole body feels heavy. the doctor is explaining something but....i cant tell what it is.

Something about a biopsy test later in the week. I stare into my lap before everything goes dim, and I lose consciousness.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now