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Before I had realized that I fell asleep, I woke up.
I slowly sit up, patting my red eyes, sighing softly. I quickly scan the room and find it devoid of visitors. My eyes find a small digital clock hanging on the back wall, it reads 3:18 PM.
Maybe he's just gone back home to sleep.. I cant imagine he got much of it the past few days here.
My train of thought is broken by a nurse entering unannounced.
"Hey.." She says softly, closing the door. "Thought you were still asleep.. You were pretty rowdy last night." She tells me, setting down a tray I didn't notice in her hands before.
"Has umm. That guy I was with.. Have you seen him?" I ask her.
She shakes her head, fumbling with a large syringe.
"My shift started at 8 AM honey.. No one has been in your room since ive been here." The nurse informs me. Well... That makes sense if he left before I fell asleep last night.. Maybe he was called into work and he's too busy to stop by. The nurse walks to my bedside.
"I need to poke you in the stomach, you've already been signed off for morphine so its running through you're drip right now." She says. Signed off? Who signed off on my morphine?

"Who umm.. Who signed off?" I question her.
"Shinohara Yukinori" she responds, pushing me back onto the bed and lifting my shirt to my ribcage. She pokes her finger around my stomach, feeling for the tumor. She pushes the needle in, a dull pressure pushes agaisnt my stomach. I wince a bit, jerking. She soon pulls it out and slips a cap onto it. The prick in my stomach begins to ooze blood, and she quickly presses a piece of gauze onto it. Soon she tapes it to my skin and pushes my shirt back down.
Without any departing words, she leaves. The room is just as empty as before.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now