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I rush over and turn on the shower, removing my shirt and underwear. I dont even wait for the water too heat up and step in. The cold water hits my body and i tense up, letting out a shaky breath. I force myself under the stream, clutching onto my arms. I quickly pull the curtain closed and stay still until the water becomes adequate.
I let water run down my face and body, leaning my head back.
Not too long later i begin to wash my body, steam starting to fill the bathroom. The air becomes humid with the heat, condensation sticking to the mirror.
I finish cleansing myself and reach for the towel rack. My hand gropsles at nothing and i peek past the shower curtain to find no towels.
"Shit.." I mumble under my breath.
"Juuzou?!" I call out to him. I hear quick footsteps that come to a halt outside the door.
"What is it!?" He says from behind the door. I wipe water from my face and pull the curtain back a bit.
"I forgot a towel! Can you get me one?!" I respond to him. I hear him walk away then return. The door knob makes a metallic clink as it turns, and the door swings open. He walks, his eyes closed. He holds out the towel to me.
I hesitate for a second before running my hand up his arm. I feel him jump a bit in suprise. Suddenly my mind disconnects from my body and pull Juuzou through the gap between the curtain and the wall. He opens his eyes in shock, dropping the towel. His shirt begins to darken and become sheer as it takes on water. His cheeks are dusted pink as his eyes slowly linger down to my chest.
Without a word he steps into the shower and presses me agaisnt the wall, pinning me down.
"Are you trying to tease me Makiko?" He growls at me, his hair beginning to get soaked. Its the first time hes used my first name, it makes my heart pound. I watch as water runs down his face and down to his lips. I lean forward and kiss him, finally giving into what ive been fighting since last night. He kisses back, gripping my wrists tightly.
I wriggle my leg inbetween his, pushing my knee against his weak spot. He groans into my mouth and lets go of my wrist. He grabs my thigh and forces it away from him. He pushes my legs apart and forced his way between them, pressing against me.
My hands move quickly as i unbutton his pants, pushing them down forcefully. He reaches down and grabs my hand, guiding it down his boxers. I grasp onto his growing member, earning a soft huff to escape his lips. I pull away from the kiss, staring into his eyes.
"You have to remember to pull out.. Before you cum" I tell him, slowly stroking his now fully erect dick. He nods and looks down at my hand, watching me stroke.
Juuzou bites his lip and lifts one of my legs up at the thigh, I position him to the correct entrance.
He slowly pushes in and I hear him exhale. My leg shakes a bit at the sensation, and he slowly rocks in and out of my core. I lean my head back against the shower wall, breathing in the hot, humid air of the bathroom.
He speeds up, groaning softly in annoyance. A loud moan escapes my mouth at the sudden friction. He fumbles his hands around my body before grabbing both my thighs and lifting me off my feet. He presses my body into the wall, pushing in deeper. I arch my back and let out a yelp, gripping onto his shoulders. He begins to bite at my neck and shoulders, a stinging pain ringing through my body as heat begins to build in my core. I move my arms and wrap them around to his back, grabbing on this wet shirt. I lean foward and bite down onto his shoulder, screaming against it as an orgasm takes over my body. My legs tense up at his lack of rest and my nails dig into his skin. He ruthlessly pounds into me, not resting until he pulls out, a guttural moan escaping his mouth. He bites down on the crook of my neck, wrapping his arm around my bottom to support me as he pulls his other hand away. He reaches down and pulls himself free from inside me. I feel hot liquid splatter onto my stomach as he moans softly against my skin.
Juuzou pants heavily, gripping onto my tightly. My head rests on his as I struggle to catch my breath.
Again.. We let our desires take over.. I wasn't trying to tease.. Just trying to control myself.. It seems I cant control myself around him..

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now