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Juuzou arrived, a black coat adorning his slender frame.
"Silly girl- getting yourself locked out!" He produces the key from his pocket.
"Took you long enough! I'm fucking freezing! I didnt expect to be out this long im not even wearing a coat!" I say through clenched teeth. He removes his coat and tosses it on me.
"Should be warm enough for you." He says as he unlocks the door. I clutch the coat around me, the residual body warmth melting onto my person. Smells nice...

Juuzou opens the door and guides me inside, he follows behind me and shuts the door, making sure to lock it.

"Thank you.. For that" I tell him, turning to face him. He smiles and pats my head. "Don't worry about it! It was just a debriefing." He tells me, drawing his hand back.
"Oh man, you are really cold... " he says, watching me shiver. He stands there for a second, seemingly thinking of what to do.
"I'll be fine dont worry, " I say as I slide off my shoes and head deeper into the house. "I just need to get warm." I finish, sitting on the black couch. I bring my legs onto the cushion and cover my entire body in the gifted black coat.
Juuzou sits next to me, I turn my head to look at him. He's calmly watching me. We sit silently as my body slowly adjusts to room temperature. I look at him again and he's still staring at me.
"Is there something you want to say?" I ask him, removing his coat from my body and draping it over the back of the couch.
"Have you ever wanted to... Touch someone?" He asks me, pulling at the stitches on his hand. I'm taken aback by this question, "Do you mean like... Sexually?" I inquire, turning my body to face him.
"Well.. If thats what you call it... " he raises his red eyes to meet mine.
"Well I think everyone feels that way at some point in their life Juuzou. Are you telling me you've never felt this way before?" I ask further, propping my elbow up against the back cushion if the couch and resting my head in my hand. The corner of his mouth twitches, "well I mean.. Doesn't seeing someone pretty make you.. Hot inside?" He asks, looking away again. I lean towards him,
"Do you have a crush on someone?" I ask him, smiling a little. He tilts his head a bit in confusion.

"Crush?" He asks, furrowing his brows. I don't really know Juuzou's story.. Maybe he genuinely doesn't know what these feelings are.
"It's like.. You want to see that person more than any other person.. And you get excited when you see them? Is that what you're feeling?" I explain, watching him closely. He nods and looks at me,
"I want to touch.. All over them.." He explains.
I laugh in his face and cover my mouth, giggling. This makes his expression turn sour.

"N-no wait i know what you mean!! I really do!" I say quickly, holding my hand out defensively.
"Who are you feeling this for? If you dont mind me asking.." I question, sitting my hands down on my thighs.
He leans his head back and stares at the ceiling, staying quiet.

"...well if you don't want to tell mw you dont have to..." I assure him.

Keeping his eyes trained on the ceiling, he asks, "I want to touch you.." This surprises me. I initially thought he was teasing me when we first met... I guess not. I stay silent, my face flushing red.

He looks at me, his eyes boring into mine. "Can i touch you...? I've never... Touched anyone else.." He asks innocently.
"I-I... You.. What parts of me do you want to touch?" I question him, my hands beginning to fidget nervously.
He reaches out his hand, gently rubbing my cheek curiously. He brushes his thumb over my lips, staring at them. Slowly he pulls his hand back and looks at me.
"... You're soft... " he says gently. This boy has never had an interaction with a woman before, his desires are so pure it makes my heart melt.

"You can.. Touch other places too.. " I say, looking at him expectantly. I expect him to reach for my chest, but his knuckles gently make contact with my jaw, slowly running them down my neck before pulling away.
I've never had an interaction with a boy before, but i'm educated enough to know how sex works, and this was just the precursor.
"Am I supposed to...? " he trails off before sitting his hands in his lap.

I look at him curiously. "Are you done.... Is that all you wanted..?" I ask, looking at him. He stays silent and I scoot closer to him, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Was there anywhere else you wanted to touch...?"  I ask again. I lean back and remove my hoodie, revealing a place blue blouse with a modest neck cut.
Juuzou glances at me, looking back towards the ceiling.
"You can touch these too... " I say, gently grabbing his hand and placing it on my chest. He looks at me, surprised. He then uses his other hand to grasp my other breast, and I bite the inside of my lip.
Gently, he squeezes and looks at my face expectantly. I lean forward and press my lips against his, not expecting much. To my surprise he starts kissing back, leaning into me. His hands slide up to grip my face and I slowly part my lips. Juuzou's tongue slowly slips into my mouth as he pushes me back onto the couch. I run my hands through his white hair, moaning softly. He leans back and looks at me.
"What was that..?" He asks, propping himself up above me. I stare up at him,
"it.. It meant I liked it.." I tell him.
He looks down at me. He's somehow made his way between my legs. I blush and look off to the side.
"Do you like it..?" I ask him. He nods and then sits back on his knees, sitting his hands in his lap.
I sit up and brush my hair back with my hand. I cannot believe I just did that. 

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now