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I resign to just wear the clothes already on my body, I quickly shovel clothes into a nearby bag.
I pass by my vanity on the way to my bedroom door, and I run my hands over my hair, and flash a thumbs up at myself.
I hurry out, closing the door behind me. I tuck my hair behind my ear as i hurry down the steps, stopping behind my squad members still huddled at the door.
"Excuse me!" I say loudly, Mutsuki and Shirazu part, Saiko clinging to Shirazu's shirt.
"Going to discuss the case?" Shirazu asks sarcastically, looking at my bag. I roll my eyes and walk past them.
"Juuzou is my boyfriend! I can spend time with him if I want!" I yell at them as i make my way back to the car, where Haise is leaned over talking to Juuzou through the rolled down window.
"Well currently she's refusing to use-" Haise cuts himself off once he sees me.
"Off to Juuzou's then?" Haise says to me, opening the door for me. I set my hand on the frame of the door, looking at him seriously.
"Are you telling him stuff about me?" I question him quietly.
Haise avoids eye contact, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You need to come to training tomorrow, 9:00 AM." Haise says, pushing up his glasses.
"Sassan, I will be there. Just... I'll try my kagunes tomorrow okay?" I say, clutching my bag against my side. Suddenly Juuzou honks the horn impatiently, i quickly get in and shut the door.
"Sorry!" I say quickly. Haise steps back and waves, i wave back, hurriedly putting on my seatbelt. Juuzou backs out, revving the engine as he heads down the road. He's driving much quieter than before, i look at him.
"Haise tells me you aren't using your kagunes." Juuzou says simply, glancing at me. I sigh heavily, rubbing my forehead in annoyance.
"He doesn't understand.." I respond, leaning my head back against the seat.
"Well.. I know you don't like it... But you should start using them more often. What frame are you on..?" Juuzou asks gently, placing his hand on my thigh. I place my hand on top of his, squeezing.
"Frame 4... I think someone might have told Urie.. He started questioning me about how many kakuhou i got implanted." I tell him, letting go of Juuzou's hand as he pulls away to shift gears.
"Frame 4!?" Juuzou exclaims loudly, glancing at me. I sigh again, running a hand through my hair.
"I didn't tell you the last few times I was raised.. But that's not important!" I say, slapping my hands down on my lap.
"What's important is that I don't want to lose control and hurt someone." I say, looking at Juuzou. He makes a face, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel.
"I don't think that would be too bad." Juuzou says after awhile, turning into the 13th ward.
"We have counter measures for those types of situations." He says, pushing his hair out of his face.
That doesn't make it okay..
"I think i'm going to use it tomorrow at training. Don't worry about it." I say, hoping to end the conversation.
He hums as he pulls into his driveway, crooked, and turns off the car. Juuzou turns to me, taking off his seatbelt.
"You brought dresses right?" He asks suddenly. I nod, opening the door and getting out. Juuzou follows, hopping to the front door and unlocking it.
I make my way there, entering and sliding off my shoes. Juuzou walks in behind me, shutting and locking the door. I go to take off my coat before suddenly feeling Juuzou's hands on my back as he begins to push me towards his bedroom. I shuffle a bit, stumbling into his room.
I hear him shut the door behind us, the room is pitch black.
"Do you mind?" He asks simply, tunring on a lamp from across the room. I hadn't even heard him move. It illuminates the room dimly.
I set the bag down, finally taking off my coat and resting it on top of his dresser. Slowly, i head to the bed and sit on the edge.
Juuzou walks to me, standing right in front of me.
"Are you nervous?" He questions, wrapping both his hands around my neck gently, rubbing his thumbs against my throat. I look up at him,
"About..?" I ask back, manuevering my legs around his.
"The mission.. Duh." He says, laying me back onto the bed. I let my arms rest above me beside my head.
"It isn't for another week or two.. But yes.. I am." I respond as Juuzou runs his hands down my body. He pushes up my skirt, letting out a small noise of surprise.
"I didn't know you wore stockings.. Or a garter belt." He tells me, pulling at the strap, letting it slap back against my thigh.
"They're practical..." I say, giggling a bit. He backs off, sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.
I sit up, resting my chin against his shoulder, watching his hands.
"I like to keep stuff in here." He says, removing his prosthetic. I cross my legs, motioning towards the prosthetic.
"What do you keep in there?" I ask curiously. He chuckles a bit, reaching in and plucking out a throwing knife.
"My knives.. Among other things. Just in case." He says, tapping the flat of the blade against my cheek. I pluck it from his hands, twirling it between my fingers.
"I used to play with these in the academy, back when i was mentally unstable." I joke, gripping it between my fingers by the blade to hand it back to Juuzou. He has a look of admiration on his face, taking the knife and throwing it into the wall.
"Wha- Juuzou your wall?" I say, pressed.
He laughs and pushes me back onto the bed, crawling on top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist, looking up at him.
"I can barely hold myself back." He says, grazing his hands over my body. I shiver a bit, running my hands up his arms. He pushes my skirt back up, staring at the garter belt before unclipping it from my stockings.
I reach down and unclip his suspenders as he starts to rolldown my stocking on my left leg. Juuzou looks at my face, pulling off my stocking fully.
"I really wish you weren't an investigator sometimes.." Juuzou says absent mindedly, removing my other stocking.
"Why's that?" I question, pushing his shirt apart after i'm done unbuttoning it.
"Because.. You'd be here every night.. I'd come home to you.." He says slowly, running his hands up my thighs and to my hips. I take in a breath as Juuzou leans down and pushes his face between my legs.
"Y-you know.. If i wasn't an investigator.. We never would have met." I respond, reaching down and running my hands through his hair.
"I feel like.. We would have met anyway." He says, a bit muffled. I giggle and close my legs gently around his head. I hear a muffled laugh from him, he grips my hips and pushes me up on the bed, effectively releasing him from my grasp. He crawls back on top of me, holding himself up over me.
"Trying to kill me?!" He jokes, sliding off his shirt and dropping it on my face. I laugh, plucking his shirt off and tossing it aside.
Juuzou unzips the side zipper on my skirt, wriggling it down my legs and dropping it to the ground. I sit up and pull my shirt off over my head, dropping it on the bed.
I reach down and undo Juuzou's pants, pushing them down. He slips out of them.
"Do you ever think about me..?" I question as he slips his fingers under the waistband of my underwear.
"All the time.." He responds quietly, gently pulling down my underwear. I grab his wrists, looking at his face. He stops pulling down my underwear and looks at me.
"Everything alright..?" He asks gently. I let go of his wrists immediately, laughing a bit.
"Sorry i just.. Forgot we've already done this before." I say stupidly, tucking my hair behind my ear. He slips off my underwear, pushing me back onto the bed.
"Silly... Though this does feel.. Different." He confesses, moving down and putting his face between my legs again. I unclasp my bra carefully, slipping it off. Juuzou pushes up my legs and grips my thighs.
Juuzou presses his tongue against my clit suddenly, making me jump a bit. I feel a small giggle escape his mouth, the vibrations sending chills through my body. I reach down and grip his hair as he slowly begins teasing my clit with his tongue. I drape my other arm over my face, letting out a breathy moan.
Juuzou lets go of my thighs, instead using his hands to spread my entrance apart.
"You're so wet already.." He mumbles, pushing a finger into me as he leans back. I flinch a bit, letting out a small noise. He curls his finger a bit, moving it in and out slowly. This makes my legs shake a bit, my body not used to this type of play.
"T-That's too much.." I moan out softly, propping myself up a bit on my elbows. Juuzou smirks and pulls his finger out, licking it.
"That was too much?" He says slowly as he slides out of his boxers. The dim light makes his face look dark. Juuzou pushes me back onto the bed, holding me down with a hand against my chest. I spread my legs as he positions himself, pressing his tip against my entrance. He leans down, kissing me softly as he pushes in slowly. I press my thighs against his sides, arching my back.
It's been so long
Juuzou moans softly into my mouth, reaching up and wrapping his hand around the side of my neck. He rubs my cheeks softly as he thrusts in and out slowly, rhythmically. I wrap my arms around his shoulders under his arms. He pulls away and shoves his face into my neck, I nuzzle my face into his in return. I feel him kiss my neck softly as he starts to push in deeper with each thrust. I moan against his skin as he just grazes my sweet spot.
"Fuck.." Juuzou mumbles against my neck, reaching down and grabbing my thighs. He lifts my hips upwards a bit, effectively making him rub against my g-spot. I jerk a bit, arching my back in response to the sudden wave of pleasure ripping through my body. Juuzou presses harder still against it before pulling out and pushing back in quickly. I yell out his name in surprise, my voice shaky. He then repeats this action, letting out soft moans of his own.
I dig my nails into his back, slowly feeling the growing pressure in my core. He leans back, my arms falling back to the bed. I grip the sheets beneath me, arching my back in pleasure. I feel his eyes on me, he's watching me.. How he makes me feel.
Before I can help it, my body tenses up as I cum. I say his name breathlessly, panting heavily. Juuzou tightens his grip on my thighs, i feel his dick twitch inside me. I cross my legs behind his back, he pushes in deeper.
Juuzou lets out a groan as he erupts inside me, heat filling my core. He leans his head back, panting softly. I sit up and gently kiss his shoulder.
"I love you.." I whisper softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. Juuzou's head rests against mine.
"I love you so much.." He replies, letting go of my thighs and instead wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"This one?" I question, holding up a pale cream coloured dress with a red ribbon tied at the neck.
Juuzou shakes his head, waving his hand. I drop it to the floor and hold up a black dress with puffed sleeves.
"What about this one?" I ask again, shaking it impatiently. I watch Juuzou's eyes light up a bit.
"That one!" He says, holding his thumbs up. I smile and fold it carefully, setting it on top of his dresser.
"What do i wear then?" I say, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I think the first one you showed me.. The red one." He says, tossing the blanket away and leaning over the bed to pick it up off the floor.
"That one? It's so flashy.. Not my style anymore." I say, taking it from him and looking at it.
"I miss when you weren't afraid to wear whatever.. You were cute." He says simply, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"I was different back then. I didn't have much empathy.. Nor commom sense." I say, leaning back against him. Juuzou hums softly before speaking up,
"I don't think you've changed too much. Except.. Your body is smaller now." He says, patting my stomach.
I scoff, leaning away.
"Im aware. How did you even find me attractive back then?" I question him, folding the dress and setting it on the bed beside me.
"Hmm... You were so.. Non judgemental. You never questioned the way I looked, or the way I acted. It made me really see you." He explains, looking at me.
He seems to have misunderstood my question, but this answer is much more than i was looking for. Hearing Juuzou's reasoning for his feelings towards me makes me feel fuzzy inside. I smiles at him.
"I'm glad.. I don't know where i'd be right now if you hadn't seen me." I say.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now