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3rd person POV

Makiko's body slumps forward, her weight slowly making her body droop to the side.
Juuzou grabs her by the back of the neck, forcing her upright. He stares at her unconscious face before laying her back on the bed. He turns to the doctor,
"I think.. She just passed out in shock." He says, pulling at the stitches adorning his lip. He wonders about what he should do, wandering over to a vacant chair. He sits and holds his head in his hands.
The doctor stares for awhile before breaking the silence.
"Is she your girlfriend..?" He asks solemnly, clutching his clipboard. Juuzou doesn't know how to respond to this question, tapping his heels against the linoleum rhythmically.
Juuzou's silence makes the doctor feel awkward.

"She's my roommate." He responds. The doctor nods and turns off the light in the lightbox.
"I'll leave you two alone. A nurse will come in to check on her in an hour or so.. " the doctor informs him. He leaves without a second word, shutting the door behind him.
The second the door clicks closed, Juuzou gets to his feet and walks around to the foot of the bed and stares at Makiko's unconscious body.  She said he was allowed to feel this way about her... But up until now he couldn't feel anything as strongly as he does for her. It pains him to see her hurt, to watch her suffer at the hands of something he can't protect her from. He clenches his fists, realizing she was his only weakness.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now