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Makiko's POV
My mind slowly starts to clear, I open my eyes and shrink away from the chill hospital room air. I pull myself up into a seated position. Juuzou stands at the foot of my bed, he seems tense.
"Juuzou..?" I call out groggily. He looks at me, his eyes boring into my very being. He rips his eyes from my frame, turning around and wretching open the door amd walking out. The heavy oak door shuts on itself, I'm left there alone.
I'm sure that Juuzou just went to... Catch some air or something... I get up, nearly stumbling as I'm pulled by cords attatched to my arm. I grab the monitor, gently pulling it alongside me as i make my way to the door.
I open it slowly and I see Juuzou, sitting at the nurses desk, holding his head in his hands.
I look away and close the door behind me, leaning agaisnt it.
I dont know what to do.. There's a chance it couldn't be... But it clearly made me cough up blood. I rub my throat, swallowing nervously. What have i done to deserve this? Throughout my life its always been misfortune.. My parents basically abandoned me, dropping me off into the hands of the CCG once they realized they couldn't handle a child. I was 7, left to people I didnt know. My mother never cared for me, using me as a working slave girl.
My father pitied me and took every chance he could to relieve me from her. He was never home to do it often. My father was constantly working to provide for us.
Then my mother decised i was too much of a burden, and forced my father to give me up. He told me i'd be better off without them.
CCG raised me to be a murderer, they raised me to kill. I always fought in my head with mixed morals, never knowing what to do.
Since the CCG was my only home, I worked harder than everyone, persevered past my moral high ground and drilled their mentality into my brain. Yet i'm still torn.
Confusion and misfortune riddle my life, I truly dont know where to go from here.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now