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Later, i'm left wondering what the fuck I just did. I just made out with my mentor's subordinate. He's currently showering, and I'm sitting on the bed, thinking about what just happened. The whole thing left me hot and heavy, but I could tell he wasnt ready for anything.. Real. I don't even know if he knows what sex is. Clearly he didn't know what a crush was. He has a crush on me, like a schoolboy. I.. I have a crush on him.. I mean why wouldn't I? Hes cute and nice.. But those are the only sides i've ever seen of him. I think we both established that out feelings are mutual.. But Juuzou himself stated he was incapable of love. Maybe he'd never felt it before, so he thought he couldn't... I'm so confused by this whole fiasco.

Juuzou's POV

What the hell is this?

My dick is.. Hard.. The only way I can describe it. It sort of hurts, and i think Shiranui did this to me. Should I ask her about it??

No definitely not.

I'll ask Shinohara!

I pull out my phone and call him, waiting patiently for him to pick up.

"Hello? Juuzou?" I hear him over the phone.

"Hi Shinohara! My dick is hard and why is that?" I ask him.

I hear him choke, then begin to laugh loudly. Well I'm glad he thinks its funny.

"Shinohara it hurts! Is it broken??"

Shinohara snickers, "No Juuzou you're just.. Turned on! What have you been doing??"

Well I can't just tell him I touched Shiranui, I think that's supposed to be a secret right?

"Can't you just tell me how to fix it?" I beg, sighing into the phone.

"You just need to touch it! Don't worry about it! I have to go Juuzou don't hurt yourself!" Shinohara says before hanging up.

Regular POV

Juuzou is taking a long shower... Its been like 15 minutes.
Suddenly the door opens, Juuzou has a towel wrapped around his waist. He turns his back to my quickly as he sees me, walking awkwardly backwards into the room.

"Is everything alright..?" I ask him. He looks over his shoulder at me.

"Shinohara says i'm turned on... I want to be turned off." He states simply.

I bust out laughing, covering my mouth. Is that why he was in there for so long?? I would have thought that it would have been gone by now!

"You know you can just... Touch it and it will go away?" I tell him.

"I tried that but it didn't work!" He says scratching his head. His back is still facing me, "I was hoping.. You would know how to..." He says, turning a bit to look at me. My face flushes, i've never gotten someone off before...

"S-sure... I can try.."

He turns towards me fully, a very obvious something protruding from under the towel.

"You should sit.. On the bed.." I tell him. He makes his way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. I slowly move to stand in front of him, his member visually twitches.

"What do I do?" He asks me, staring at my face.

"Well... Theres two options... I.. I can touch you... Or you can touch me.. Pick one.." I say, fiddling with my fingers.

His face lights up. "I want to touch you.." He says.

I was hoping for the latter. I put my hand over his eyes, "close them.. Please"

He obeys and closes his eyes. I part the towel, revealing his erect memeber. I unzip my pants and slide them off, looking at Juuzou's face overcome with confusion.
"Are you taking your pants off..?" He asks me. I grab his hand and guide his fingers to press against my slit, the thin fabric of my underwear the only barrier.
"This.. Its hot" he says, his eyes still shut. His face becomes one of realization, and he pushes my panties aside.

"It goes in here doesnt it?" He asks as he slowly pushes one of his fingers in.

I bite my lip, "yeah.. It goes in there... " I say, straddling his lap. Juuzou opens his eyes and meets mine. "It.. Hurts... " he says simply. He looks down at my underwear, then removes his finger from inside me. He grabs his shaft and positions it. I slowly lower down onto him, we both watch as he enters me.
I let out a soft exhale, my walls being parted for the first time felt so strange. Juuzou's face contorted, his mouth agape with suprise.

"W-what the fuck.." He breathed, he was only halfway in. He grabbed my hips and pushed me down on him all the way, making me inhale sharply in surprise. He leans back on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. I let out a small noise, the slight movement stirring my insides.
"I want to feel more.. " he says, rocking his hips back and forth. These slight movements made electric current jolt through my legs, I slapped my hands down on his chest. "S-stop moving-- oh my god!" I cry out. My heart is beating out of my chest, every time he moves it makes me want to yell.
We sit for a minute, and before i knew it, I began bouncing on his lap. This sudden change of tempo startled Juuzou, making him moan softly. He leaned forward and gripped my waist, pushing me down . he grinded against me, earning a loud moan from my lips.
Suddenly I wasn't in control anymore, he lifted me up and down along his shaft. He looked up at my face then leaned in, kissing me. I kissed back, muffled moans from both of us becoming trapped between our lips. Again he pushed his tongue into my mouth, letting it roam. I gripped his hair, pulling away and tossing my head back. My body was overcome with heat, it felt like I didn't even own my body anymore.
Juuzou began to thrust into me quickly, he shoved his face into my neck. He was panting heavily, "s-something's coming-" he spoke between breaths. I quickly lifted off him, and fell into his lap. His dick pressed against my stomach and i heard him groan as he came all over my stomach.

I breathed heavily, slumping against him. He leaned into me, holding me upright against him. Juuzou rested his head on my shoulder, I heard him panting heavily.

"D-did that fix it...?" I asked between breaths. He didn't respond and instead leaned back to look at me.
"I got you dirty.. You.. You put me inside you.." He said. I laughed softly, brushing my hand through my hair.
"We just had sex Juuzou.. People do it all the time... And it feels good." I explain, climbing off him.

He looked me up and down, biting his lip.


THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now