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"How did you get in??" I question him, walking towards him. My question is answered when i feel a chill breeze against my exposed skin. The window was opened from the outisde. I rush over and close it, looking back at him.

"So? You wanted me here so you could look at me?" He asks teasingly, rocking back and forth on his feet. I rush over and hug him tightly, soon feeling his returning embrace.
"I missed you so much. So so much that i can't bear it!" I finally tell him, pressing my face against his chest. I listen to his heart beat as it picks up pace.
"I wanted to tell you that too you know." He responds, rocking me gently. I let put a deep sigh of relief, melting into his arms. He leans back and looks at me. I stare up at him, letting my eyes roam his face.
He leans into me, pressing his lips against mine softly. I close my eyes and return the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls back and tilts his head, kissing me again as he lowers me onto the bed. I feel him reach up and rip the pillows from the bed, tossing them onto the ground. He leans back and grabs my thighs, pushing me up on the bed. He crawls on top of me, his black hair gently tickling my cheeks.
"I missed you in more ways than you can imagine.." He says to me quietly, holding himself up over me. I shiver a bit, sliding my fingers underneath his undone shirt collar to rub his neck.
"I craved your touch.. It's been too long Juuzou..." I reply, running my thumb down the stitches on his throat. I feel him shiver under my fingers. He reaches down and pushes up my nightshirt to just under my chest, instead sliding his hand underneath and grasping my breast softly. Juuzou leans down, kissing my neck softly. I let out a gentle moan, covering my mouth quickly. I hear Juuzou giggle a bit, moving up to whisper into my ear,
"That wont help you be quiet if i'm here."
He goes back down to my neck, nipping and biting down on it softly. This makes me let out an unwarranted breathy moan. Juuzou snickers, pinching at my nipple underneath my shirt.
Suddenly the door swings open, the hallway light illuminating us. Juuzou yanks his hand from under my shirt.

We both freeze, staring at the faces of my squad members.
"A-ah.. Um.. " is all i can manage to say, Juuzou leans back onto his knees, a guilty smile on his face.

"Suzuya? What are you doing Makiko?" Shirazu questions.

I see Urie, a knowing smirk plastered onto his face.
Haise emerges, an angry look on his face. My heart sinks, i push my shirt down and sit up quickly.
"You owe me 1000 yen Shirazu." Saiko says, tugging at his shirt.

"Makiko, what is the meaning of this..? You know we have a meeting the morning right..?" He says, a tinge of anger present in his voice. I swallow hard, brushing my hair back.
"Everyone please go back to bed. I'll take care of this..." Haise tells the rest of the squad members. They all share a look before dispersing, I hear Shirazu and Saiko laugh as the walk away.

Haise crosses his arms, looking at us both. Juuzou and i sit on the foot of the bed, i look down guiltily. Juuzou leans back, looking at Haise.

"You know i said you can't have him over right now. We're working on a mission right now Makiko." Haise reprimands, crossing his arms.

"Come on Haise! Don't yell at her for wanting to be with me~ besides can you really blame her?" Juuzou says, standing up and stretching.
Haise sighs and hold his head in his hand before pushing up his glasses.
"We thought you were being.. I don't know we thought something was wrong in here." Haise says, leaning his head back and sighing.
I stay silent, glancing at Juuzou. Haise looks between the both of us, thinking.
"Just.. Be quiet. Don't.. Do anything too noisy. And you know what i'm talking about." Haise says. Me and Juuzou share a look, before Haise begins to leave.
"Goodnight. Please go to bed." He says before closing the door behind him. Juuzou wanders over and locks it, then looks back at me.
I laugh, heavily embarassed about what just happened. Juuzou doesn't seem to mind. He walks back amd sits beside me, sitting his hand on my thigh.
"Could have been worse Makiko.. You could have been tied up." He teases, patting my thigh. I laugh in response, resting my head against his shoulder. We sit beside each other for awhile before i lean back.
"Urie said something to me right before i came into my room." I tell Juuzou, fumbling with my hands. He tilts his head.
"What did he say?" He asks curiously
"I.. He like.. Cornered me and started asking about you and me.. And then he started asking about my surgery." I tell him, propping myself up as i lean back onto the bed.
"He fucking what?" Juuzou responds darkly, getting to his feet. I quickly grab his shirt sleeve, pulling him back down.
"Hey its not that serious! It was just weird!" I say quickly. Juuzou sits back down, i see his fingers twitch a bit.
"I think he's just.. Annoyed about how much he doesn't know about me." I reassure him.
Juuzou sighs and slides his suspenders off his shoulders, unbuttoning his shirt.
"I'll sleep with you tonight.. I might not be here when you wake up tomorrow. I have some things to set straight before the meeting." Juuzou says as he drops his clothes to the floor. I scan his body, its become more toned than I remember. He stretches, letting out a long sigh.
"You.. Look different Juuzou." I tell him as he sits to remove his prosthetic.
"Have i? Hanbee says i'm still growing." He responds, laying his prosthetic down on the floor. I nod, i can't take my eyes off of him.
"You know Makiko, you changed too." He says, pointing at my hair.
"My sweetheart used to have her hair up all the time."

I laugh and fall back onto the bed, draping my arms over my face.
"I realized that i don't need to try too hard. Especially without you around." I tell him. The bed moves a bit as he crawls onto it beside me.
"Even after this mission, i think we might start running into each other more often... I feel like something big is coming." Juuzou confesses, wrapping his arm around my waist. I peek at him, unsure of what he's thinking.
"What do you mean..?" I question him.
He shrugs and pulls me close to him.
"Just a feeling I have." He says simply before closing his eyes.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now