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" SHINOHARA SAN!!" He yells as he runs over. "Juuzou! here, I would like you to meet a new-"

"Miss Shiranui" he interrupts, "CCG has been whispering about you." He smiles.

" what-? Really?" I respond.

" mm-hmm! are you here to get your quinque?! " he inquires.

" uh- yes.."

" I will lead the way then!" he says, gesturing for me to follow as he heads inside.


With Suzuya leading the way, we got lost.

" okay we're here! " Suzuya says swinging the door open.
"Ah... Suzuya.. " the guy in the coat sighs tiredly. "I dont have time to deal with your shi- " Shinohara interrupts him, " Doctor, here is special investigator Shiranui, her quinque please? "

" ohh, yes. my my, your first quinque is quite scary.... power wise, I would say, so be careful brandishing this weapon. " the doctor says.

"Well noted sir."  I tell him, waiting patiently.

"And here she is. " he says as he places a small box, about the size of my hand, in my cupped hands.

" uhm..." I say trying to process what this is.

"What is this?" I ask the doctor, holding the small box up to the light.

"It's pocket size, we're experimenting with more concealed quinque cases with your graduating class." he explains. The doctor then demonstrates how to open it.

" uh.. okay. " I place my fingers as he says, and squeeze. The box bursts into a long purple spear.
"The grip is nice.. Its not tok hefty.. This one is nice! Thank you so much!" I tell the doctor, smiling at him. Theres a small round button on the staff, I press the button and it conceals back into its unassuming box. 

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now