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" We do not! now i was hoping if you could tell me how to... take it off...? " i ask the scientist doctor man thing. the doctor, whose glasses had gone astray, he fixes them.

" All you have to do is stroke upwards on it with your hand and it slides off. " he says.

I pull my hand up and hover it above the shiny exterior. I gently place two fingers on t and stroke up towards my upper arm. as my fingers leave a trail, it slowly falls off and turns back into its mini briefcase.

" OH MY GOD ITS GREAT! " I say putting it in my skirt pocket.

i steal a glance at Suzuya to see if he was inpressed. all he had was a sweet smile on his face. I tilted my head in confusion, he opened his eyes and stared into mine.

" Shiranui! are you listening?" Shinohara inquires, snapping me out of the staring contest with Suzuya.

" uh- no. " i reply looking at him apologetically. I smile and roll my eyes towards Suzuya again. I enjoy looking at his face.

" i have to go home! I'm an investigator and I have my own house now! " I exclaim happily.

" Shiranui- er- you aren't quite old enough to stay by yourself yet. " Shinohara interrupts.

" I didn't think I was gonna stay alone. I cant sleep by myself. "  I state, looking at Shinohara.

" we will send one of the other investigators to you house so you can be watched over and taken care of, is that alright?" Shinohara explains.

" yes!" I reply happily.

" i'll stay with her! " Suzuya says cheerfully raising his hand. what?

Suzuya actually wants to be around someone like me?

" I was thinking more like a woman-" Shinohara is cut off by Suzuya, " well im not going to do much with her. besides shes like a doll!" suzuya explains, stepping towards me and poking the tip of my nose.

" fine. i dont even think you're attracted to anyone. " Shinohara jokes, sighing. suzuya leans down to be eye level with me, he smiles, " well of course I am" he says quietly enough for me to hear.

my face goes crimson, and I back up.

" ok! well er- where is my house again? " I turn towards Shinohara.


we finally found the house- HOLY SHIT! its so-

" SO COOL! " Suzuya says jumping out of the passenger seat. I open the car door and step out.

" its bigger than I needed Shinohara! " I say closing the door behind me. Suzuya and Shinohara look at me and laugh.

"Shiranui, you're so clumsy." Suzuya says to me, pointing at my skirt stuck in the door.

Suzuya reaches around my back and opens the door.

" you shut your skirt in the door." Suzuya says, pulling it out and shutting the door once again. I get to see his neck up close and personal. he has stitches in a cross hair pattern  going down to his neck, and his chest.

" Okay so this is your house from now on. Suzuya won't necessarily be living here, but spending the nights, and checking up during the day." shinohara explains.

" oh- but- I sleep during the day " I explain.

" you what now? what are you an owl? " Suzuya says laughing. " why do you sleep during the day? " Shinohara asks.

"Being nocturnal is healthy im sure." I say, looking at them.

" well if you say so Shiranui" Suzuya says, prancing to the front.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now