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Juuzou finally resigned to sleeping in the same bed with me, he's curled into a ball sleeping soundly.
During my stay at the hospital, I was told that CCG's employee insurance wouldn't cover the costs for the medical procedure. Since it wasnt an injury or illness taken in from duty, they gave me two options.
Have an outstanding debt from the medical procedure, or undergo expiremental surgery under the close supervision of the CCG. A recent discovery of a one-eyed ghoul sparked mass expirementation with retrieved kagune sacks. They informed me the expirement would turn me into a one-eyed ghoul, half human half ghoul. When i heard this, I vehemently rejected the idea, opting to have an outstanding debt instead. Over the phone, it seemed they were trying to coerce me into participating in it. It seems to me they're beginning to become what they sought to destroy.
I push away these thoughts, I still have time to choose.
Turning onto my side, I stare at Juuzou's back. I see the faint shadow of his spine, and I drag my finger down it gently. This causes him to stir amd turn to face me.
His hair is a mess, obscuring his eyes from view. He pushes it back and smiles, I return a grin.
"I'm going into work tomorrow.. They want me.. For something" Juuzou tells me, sliding his hand across the gap between us. He delicately moves a strand of my hair that was resting against my cheek.
"Is Shinohara making you..?" I ask him. He hesitates, looking away from my face.
"We're preparing a ln owl supression raid" He responds. I gasp in shock.
"You found it? Is that why we were all moved here??" I pester him, propping myself up with my elbow.
He shakes his head, pulling me back down to the bed.
"Me and Shinohara were sent to investigate the binge eater.. Its just a coincidence." He responds.
Owl has killed so many of our comrades.. So many talented investigators..
What price will we pay this time? Will we even succeed in capturing it this time? My thoughts are racing.
"When will the raid be held? Is it soon??" I inquire desperately. He stares at my face before leaning close to it.
"It's two days from now.. Are you worried?" He answers. Of course I'm worried. Not just about Juuzou but everyone else. Everyone im tje CCG who is going to be forced to participate. Juuzou has managed to leave the battle for Jason unscathed. Its concerning to me that he isn't worried.
"Juuzou are you going to be okay? I can't have you.. Leave me right now." I tell him, looking away. He sucks his teeth before responding,
"I'm going to be fine. I can't say the same for everyone else, Makiko."

I pull my body closer to his, pressing against him. He drapes his arm over my waist.
Hes beginning to get comfortable with me... He isnt hesitating anymore, and I can touch him without fear of him shrinking away. I shove my face into his neck, closing my eyes.
"Be safe.." I mumble.
I feel him breathe a deep sigh before reaching up and petting my head.
"I think you should sleep." He states simply.
I find comfort in being held by him, for the first time in a long time, im on the recieving end of compassion. For a while, Juuzou was oblivious to everything. They way he felt about me was so hard to read until he straight up told me. I'd heard what happened to him.. I'd heard how his manlihood had been stolen from him at a young age. I refused to look, out of courtesy to him; Im not sure. He hasn't told me anything about his past, and I will not pry. He's shown me that he's emotionally matured since he left me, and he's definitely learned some new things about sex.
I do believe his claim of 'natural instincts' however, the way he was does not compare to the way he is now. He has more control and knows how to make me feel good. Just what the fuck did he get into when he'd left me? I don't want to question him about it, out of fear of what I might learn. Although I feel like i need to, the way he carries himself in bed is not the same as it used to be.
"Juuzou..?" I say firmly. He leans back and looks at me.
"Yeah?" He answers.
I hesitate, wondering if I should really question him about it.
"Did you... Do anything without me..? While I was in the hospital?" I pressed him, placing a hand firmly against his chest. His eyes avoided mine and I knew.
Has he been sleeping around? Does he know to be careful about protection? I didn't even bother to tell him knowing both of us were clean. I sit up, staring down at him.
"...did you?" I ask again, this time more sternly. He sits up with me, his face turning a bit pink.
"I.. Watched some things.. On my phone." He admits, his face growing increasingly red.
This confession takes me for a loop, and I reel back, embarrassed at my initial thought. I slap my hand over my face, bursting into laughter. He stares at me, confused.
"I-is that okay? I found out about it in the redlight district." He informs me. I stop laughing and look at him.
"What the hell were you doing in the redlight district?" I question him. This time his face and ears turn red.
"I'm actually so tired so goodnight." He responds, completely avoiding my question. He lays back down and turns his back to me. I force his body to look at me.
He snatches up my wrist, gripping tightly.
"Don't touch me so lightly." He warns, letting go. I sit there, unsure of what to do. He returns to his position with his back facing me.
From his reaction, he doesn't trust me... Or i've done something he didn't like. I gather the courage to ask again.
"W-what were you doing... In the redlight district..?"

He stays silent before bolting up and glaring at me.
The look on his face instills uneasiness into my very core, I feel my body tighten in fear.
"I wanted to feel." He finally responds. His voice is poisonous, and the second he speaks It makes me jump. Though fear rings through my body, I feel a tinge of anger. Though we weren't officially together, I still feel somewhat betrayed. The feelings he shared with me seemed real and you can't just find them with some random whore in the redlight district.
"Well.. Did you get what you were looking for..?" I ask shakily, tears begin to form in my eyes despite me trying my hardest to withold them.
  Finally, he shakes his head and runs a hand through his messy white hair. "I couldn't bring myself to do it.." He confesses.
I breathe a sigh of relief, dropping back onto the bed. Juuzou scared the shit out of me. I didn't know he could be this way. I dispelled the rumors of him being cold and heartless but i definitely see why they started.
I feel his stare on my body and I peek at him.
"You scared me.. I thought you'd gone and... Cheated.." I admit, blushing a bit in embarrassment. His ears perk up then he leans down close to my face.
"Were we even dating?" He inquires, placing his hand on the wall behind me, effectively holding himself above me.
Were we dating..? Are we even dating now? Where do we go from here? Does Juuzou have the emotional capability to date someone?
My silence causes him to back off. He gives me a warm smile.
"I think from now on we're dating." He says as he lays back beside me.
"You want me to be your girlfriend..?" I ask him, half doubting myself.
He nods and pokes my cheek gently.
"You're mine." He says simply. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to his person.
"You are just too cute to let anyone else have.."

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now