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I'm curled in on myself, laying on the couch, clutching my stomach. Pain reverberates through my body, making the ends of my limbs tingle.
I force myself to a seated position, a cold sweat running down my face. I quickly wipe it away. I hear Juuzou walk up behind me.
"Are you okay? " he asks. I shake my head, a chill running through my body.
"Juuzou im very sick..." I breathe out. All i want to do is lay down and die.
His eyebrows furrow together. His hand reaches out and presses agaisnt my forehead.
"Shinohara does this to his kids to see if theyre sick." He informs me. I let out a painful laugh, looking at him.
"Just.. If i take a nap ill be better i think..." I say as he pulls his hand away. Without thinking I lean down and lay my head on his lap, closing my eyes. His body tenses up for a second at the unexpected contact then relaxes. He lays his hand on top of my head.

Im forced awake by a burning sensation at the back of my throat. I bolt up and cough violently into my hand. I feel hot liquid splatter into my open palm and I pull my hand away from my face and stare at it in horror.
Specks of blood sit in my hand. Juuzou had somehow fallen asleep, but was now wide awake, staring at the blood in my hand. It registered in his mind that this was not normal, and he moved his arm around my waist, and tucked the other under me. He stands up and slipped on his slippers, opened the door with his foot, and ran.
This is all a blur, I'm actually not sure if he ran, or if he got in a cab. But what I do know, is that he never left.

I wake up, some what restrained by ties on... a bed?
I'm on a bed, tied down.
I open my eyes and looks around, I'm in a hospital, there's and IV drip in my arm. Putting only God knows what into my blood stream.
No one is around, which scares me.
I remember Juuzou carrying me here, that's about it.
Unable to sit up and survey the room further, I lay there in confusion of what had happened the previous time I awoke.
Suddenly I hear the door knob turn and the swish of the door swinging open. I don't know where the door is, so I listen.

"Are you awake..?" I hear Juuzou say.
I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
Juuzou makes his way over and unites the restraints, then lifts me into a seated position.
"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened. You started coughing up blood and you looked so scared so I took you to the hospital." as he explains he's constantly shaking his head and running his hands through his hair.
" and then you started fighting back so we had to restrain you to distribute medication." Juuzou keeps rattling on about what happened. And I sit there in shock as he explains I nearly took someones eye out.
"oh you probably want water." Juuzou says quietly as he gets up, and grabs a cup and pours some water into it. He looks at me and holds it out to me.
I take it and sip from it, it's surprisingly cold.
I glance up at Juuzou and see him smiling a little. Drinking the water had cleared my throat a bit, so I decide to try and talk.
" d-did the doctor- " i cut off my own sentence with a gasp.
My voice is groggy.
Juuzou looks at me, a little shocked. And then he starts laughing.
I drink more water and clear my throat before speaking again.

"did the doctor tell you what's wrong? "

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now