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I accidentally spilled an entire water bottle on the floor. I mop up the mess with the towel silently while suzuya looks down at me. when the water is no longer all over the floor, i stand up and hold the towel away from my clothes.

"I...I'm gonna go and eat...." I say awkwardly as I set the towel on the counter and scavenge for food in the fridge.
"or.. we can try and make something. " he says, turning on the fire on the stove.

"Suzuya! uhm.. " I trail off as I stare at the flame. Maybe I should learn how to.. cook or some thing..

Suzuya turns off the fire, I look at him. he suddenly rushes towards me and snakes his arms around my waist and kisses me hungrily. my arms are trapped in between his chest and mine. he parts my lips with his tongue and roams around my mouth. my hands find their way out from inbetween our chests and into his hair. he groans into my mouth seductively as he removes one of his hands from my waist and uunder my shirt to grasp one of my breasts. when his lips begin to leave mine, we both suck in air.

Suzuya's head snaps up when he hears the shrill sound of my phone ringing.
"Its-  my p-phone " I pant out as I wriggle out from his grasp and walk dazed, into the room where my phone resides. I pick it up and tap the glowing green button.

"hello?? " I say into the phone.

" yes! Shiranui glad you could pick up. we are doing a mission tommorow so we need you here. we are going to be infiltrating a nest we've been keeping tabs on. Be here at 5 AM. Details will be told at the rendezvous." a male voice says over the phone.

"Understood." I say into the phone. I hang up and set it back on my nightstand. I walk back out and run a hand through my hair .

I really should just.. cut it.

"Hey Suzuya?!" I call out to him. He soon walks into the room.
"You called?" He answers. I grasp my hair.

"Do you mind helping me cut my hair?" I ask him. He looks at me and tilts his head, raising a hand to his chin.

"Do you trust me to?" He responds as he scans my face.

he does stitches and they are pretty aligned.. Probably has to have some kind of dexterity to acheive that.

"Well I suppose I do." I say as a smile creeps onto my face. Suzuya's face becomes bright and cheery, he reaches to touch my hair before pulling back and heading to the bathroom.
"Follow follow!" He calls out from the bathroom. I step into the bathroom.

Suzuya rummages through the drawers.
"You positive you want to cut it off?" He asks me again.

" positive! " I say, nodding my head.

"Scissors acquired!" Suzuya says as he finally finds a pair of scissors.


I listen as Suzuya hums, I glance at the mirror. He's sticking his tongue out in concentration as he carefully snips at my hair. He does me the courtesy of trimming my bangs to frame my round face.
"I think im finished.. If you're satisfied. " he says as he pulls away, looking at my face in the mirror. I run my hands through the freshly cut ends, nodding in satisfaction. My hair now sits just above my shoulders, the ends curling upwards slightly now that theres no weight holding it down.
I turn to look at him and smile.
"Thank you. I love it." I tell him, brushing off the stray hair stuck to my shirt.
"Good!" He chimes back, replacing the scissors in the drawer.
"Go on, I'll clean this up.." I inform him, crouching down and gathering my cut hair into a small pile. He steps out and goes off out of my view. I scoop the hair into the nearby trash can. I then stand up and stare at the hairs too small to pick up with my bare hands.
"Can you find me a broom??" I call out to him, sticking my head out the window. To my surprise he's standing there, holding a small broom and dustpan. He holds it out to me, and I grab it, giving a nod of thanks.
I sweep up the hair and let it slide into the trash can, storing the broom under the bathroom sink cabinet. I then turn to him.

"Suzuya, I'm really hungry sooo.. im gonna go eat something. "  tell him, looking up at his pale face.
Suzuya looks down at me, his eyes twinkling a bit.

"I'll come along." He says as he turns and heads towards the kitchen. I follow him silently, staring at his back.

Once there, he opens the fridge and takes out a small brown container and tosses it at me. I catch it and look at him.

Suzuya chuckles. "This is all we have for now" he says calmly. I turn it iver to read the yellow label. It reads chocolate pudding. I sigh softly and search each drawer until I find the silverware. I pick out a spoon.

"So... Tomorrow is my first mission.." i inform him as I put small spoonful in my mouth. "Are you attending as well?" I ask.

"I am," he says as he watches me slowly eat, he leans against the counter. "Are you.. Nervous?" He asks me.
This question made me realize I was, I'd never actually been in the field yet. I will probably be along the outer lines, under the watchful eye of upper investigators.
"...yeah.. But there's no need to be. I won't even be near the action for the most part." I tell him as I finish the pudding cup and drop it in the trash, placing the spoon in the sink with a small metallic clink.
He rubs his hands together then sits them on his hips.
"But I bet you're excited too, no?" He asks me as he cocks his head to the side, watching me. Of course I am, more experience means better skills.
I nod in response, shoving my hands in my skirt pockets.
"Bed time.. I think." I tell him.
I head to the bedroom and he follows. He stops and stares at the bed.
"I.. Am going to sleep on the couch." He tells me as he grabs a pillow and quickly exits the room.
Oh. Maybe he feels awkward after... That. I quickly set an alarm and place my phone back on the bed. After, I fall back onto the bed, closing my eyes.


I'm forced awake by the loud chime of my phone alarm, I sit up, groggy. I fumble with my phone, turning off the alarm. I hear commotion in the bathroom. Juuzou is awake already. I scratch my head, remembering my new short hair.
"I'm.. Awake." I announce, sliding off the bed. I slowly make my way to the dresser, pulling open the middle drawer containing my shirts and pants. I pick out thick tan cotton pants and a white loose fitting long sleeve shirt. I glance back at the bathroom, where the door is still closed.
I walk over and knock gently.
"I'm going to change so.. Can you stay in there?" I ask him through the door.
"Uh- yeah!" I hear him say. I back away and quickly pull on my clothes, tossing the clothes i was wearing onto the bed. I fetch some socks from my dresser and slip them on. I knock on the door to signal im no longer indecent.
I hear the lock click and he swings open the door. Hes wearing a fresh set of clothes, his suspenders are astray a bit.
"Are you ready to go? I need to use the bathroom." I tell him, pointing into the brightly lit room.
He steps aside and slides past me, heading out of the bedroom.
I do my normal morning routine, brushing my teeth, combing my hair and what not. I rinse my face with cold water and dry it off on my bath towel. I sigh tiredly, turning off the light and stepping out.
Juuzou is sitting in the edge of the bed, my discarded clothes folded at his side. I stare at him for a second before tiredly motioning towards the door. I retrieve my quinque from under the bed and slide that into my pocket. Reaching over, I grab my phone off the nightstand and carry it out of the bedroom and to the front of the house. I pull on my long wool coat. I slide my phone in my pocket and wait patiently for Juuzou.
He soon walks into the small sunken area, sliding on his slippers he uses as shoes. His case is in his hand. His coat was placed back on the hook, and he grabs it and slides it on.
I slide my feet into my black ankle high lace up boots. I lean down and tie them closed.
"Ready?" I ask him as I stand back up.
"You look.... Nice." He tells me. This makes my face flush a bit, I open the door quickly, "thank you.. L-let's go"

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now