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Tonight is the night; the owl suppression raid. Anteiku, a seemingly innocent coffee shop that Juuzou visited. He told me that the food was good, but the people there seemed awfully suspicious. Two ghouls were identified to be working there, and so the decision was made to raid it.
I unfortunately have to stay home, worried sick about it.
"Are you going to be okay?" I ask Juuzou as he's preparing to leave. He looks at me, pulling his coat on.
"You dont have to worry!" He responds. He looks at my face, sorry painted across it.
His face suddenly lights up and he produces a red lollipop from his coat pocket and hold it out to me.
"Cheer up Makiko, have a sweet." He says, twirling the red sucker between his fingers.
I laugh softly and pluck it from his fingers.
"Just.. Be safe okay?" I tell him. He nods and turns, opening the door. I badly want to hug him, but hes already too far out.
He stops and swings back around, grabbing my shirt and yanking me towards him. He wraps his arms around me tightly.
I stand there for a second before returning the hug, squeezing him tightly. He doesn't let go until I lean my head back and look at him.
"You're gonna be late.." I tell Juuzou. He sighs dramatically and pulls away.
"You'll see me tomorrow spic and span! We'll go out and get tayaki and see the lights. Look forward to it. " he rants, his hand on the door knob. The promise of a date quells the worry in my chest, and I wave at him. He smiles and shuts the door behind him, and i hear him walk away.
I put the lollipop into my mouth, biting down immediately to crush the hard candy. I pull out the stick and discard it in the bin, walking to the livingroom.
My phone vibrates in my skirt pocket, causing me to stop in my tracks. I pull it out, reading the caller ID.
its Dr. sumiyoshi, my surgeon. I answer.
"Hello doctor, how are you?" I say into the reciever. I hear some papers shuffling in the background before he responds,
"I'm well. Good news miss Shiranui, we can fit you in my schedule for next month. An unfortunate situation happened with one of my other patients, and they can't make it."

My stomach fills with butterflies,
"I'm sorry that happened, but this is good news. When can you schedule me?" I ask him, sitting on the couch.
"January 20th at 9:00 AM." Dr. Sumiyoshi informs me. I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a pressure release from my shoulders. Suddenly he pipes up,
"However.. Before you can schedule it.. We need to know if you want to go ahead with the normal removal, or if you want to sign up for the Kagune transplant."

I chew the inside of my lip nervously. What do I do? I had hoped to talk this out with my mentor, but the choice needs to be made. Is it worth becoming something different to pay for a second chance at life?

"I... I think i'll do it.."

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now