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HEEY GUYS about the requests to be in the story I'm working my way to it don't worry. It will come in time. And I've been grounded since January so that's why chapters are so staggered and late.
This story to me is getting really depressing and I th July no it may be reflecting how I feel right now. I don't know I'm an unusual person.
Anyway im super duper sorry I couldn't update today... truly I am. I also read a Juuzou x reader that made me really depressed... I feel really bad for the person who wrote it because the following chapter was an another note and.. well he/she was not very happy. Well I thing that's what I'm sulking over. Like I'm not even kidding I cried for like 10 minutes after I read the ending tot he story. Well anyway Kiritogasai is the one who wrote it... go read it if y loo u will. Well anyway this note is a bit long.. ahahah

I'm so sorry

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