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Im turn from my sleep by my phone blaring. I reach for it, sitting up slowly. I fumble with it, turning it over and checking the caller ID.
It's the CCG medical center. I look at the time and my heart sinks. Its the middle of the night, basically early morning. My thumb hits the answer call button before I think. I stare at my phone before raising it to my ear.

"Is this rank 3 investigator Shiranui Makiko?" A female voice says over the receiver. I can feel my heart trying to claw its way out of my chest,
"It is.. Is there something wrong?" I ask shakily.
"Investigator Shinohara Yukinori was admitted tonight after the owl suppression raid. Since he is your legal caretaker we contacted you as soon as possible."
My blood runs cold, i become painfully aware of my clothes against my skin. I gather the courage to ask,
"Are his injuries fatal..?" I ask. The woman hesitates before answering.
"He has heavy internal bleeding and is currently unconscious."
If Shinohara is in that state, what about Juuzou? What happened to him?
"A-and was an investigator by the name Suzuya Juuzou admitted..? B-by any chance?" I question her, fearing her answer.

"Ah yes. He was admitted soon after Mister Shinohara." She answers.
"Thank you very much." I tell her, hanging up and bolting to my feet.
My body moves on its own, stumbling to the front door to pull on my coat and shoes. I grab my keys and yank open the door, running out and leaving the door to close on its own behind me.
I told him to be careful. I told him to be safe.


I quickly pay the taxi driver and step out, speed walking into the hospital. My coat remains unbuttoned and my shoes arent even tied. I walk up to the front desk.

"I need to see Shinohara Yukinori and Suzuya Juuzou." I speak at the nurses conversing between themselves. They look at me, at first annoyed before seeing the distraught look on my face. A nurse looks at a piece of paper clipped to the overhanging desk. They recite the room numbers to me and i bolt in the direction of the stairs.
I fly up the stairs until i reach the correct floor. Shinohara's room is the closest to me. I scan the wall plaques beside each room until i find Shinohara's. His name is written on a piece of paper slipped into a small holding plaque.

My feet stop right at the entrance to his room, my entire body suddenly feels naseous. I knock softly, waiting for Shinohara to speak from the other side.

No response.

Tears start to run down my face as i open the door and see Juuzou at Shinohara's bedside. Juuzou's back is facing the door, sitting in a wheel chair.
I look past him and see Shinohara unconscious, an oxygen mask strapped to his face. My hand covers my mouth as a sob escapes my lips.
Juuzou turns and looks at me, his eyes widening. I hold my head in my hands, my shoulders shaking as I cry. I stand there, crying into my hands until i raise my head to look again, not believing what i'm seeing.
My face feels hot as i slowly walk to Juuzou's side, staring at Shinohara's once large and intimidating frame now laying on a hospital bed. I drop to my knees and clutch at Shinohara's blanket, continuing to sob. I feel a hand on my back, making me look up in surprise.
Juuzou's face is dark. My soul is torn when I see tears streaming down his face. My eyes run down his body, and once again, i feel a tear at my heart realizing his left leg was missing.
I suck in a breath and let out another sob, resting my forehead against Juuzou's knee. I cant bear to look him in the eyes, i've never seen him this way. His hand moves to rest on my head and i hear him draw in a breath.
"I.. Did this to him.." He says lowly, his voice a bit shaky. I force myself to look at him.
"W-what..?" I ask him.
He stares at me, resting both his hands in his lap. He looks bacm at Shinohara.
"This happened to him... Because he was protecting me." He states, i watch as his eyes gloss over, thought no doubt his thought racing.  I look back at Shinohara and slowly get back to my feet. My knees feel weak, but i realized something. Being in this field, you have to learn to deal with tragedy. People are going to die, people are going to be maimed and mutilated working in this field against monsters levels stronger than us. I wipe my face, clenching my teeth.
"Its not your fault.." I say to him.
"Yes it is." He instantly responds, snapping his head towards me.
"If i wasn't so careless he'd be okay right now." He tells me. His voice isn't his, it sounds strained.
I feel his arms wrap around my waist, he presses his face into my body. Im taken aback by his sudden embrace, staring down at him.
I watch as his body begans to shake, Juuzou quietly crying into my shirt. My heart shatters, reaching down and hugging his neck. I hold him against me as I begin to cry again.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now