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Juuzou in a flash, swiped his sythe through the air and cut off they boys kagune. it made a meaty wet sound as the lifeless tendrils fell to the ground. Juuzou landed swiftly and dodged hardened needles that flew from the boy.
Suddenly, the boy retracted his kagune and held up his arms in defeat, tears streaming down his face.
Juuzou halted and stood there. I saw the two exchange words.
In the blink of eye, the boys head lay before his own body.
I gasped, then i saw the boys kagune had been released. He tried to lure Juuzou in with sympathy. Juuzou waved his hand to some people and pointed at the boy.


Back at CCG HQ, we record the dead and injured. I've removed my gear, finally back into my civilian clothes. I look around the room for Juuzou, to no avail.
Paperwork is saved for later, everyone is tired, and the injured are being treated further in the medical Center across the building. I pull out my phone and decided to ring Juuzou instead of wasting my time looking for him. After a few rings, he answers.

"Where you at? Do you want me to go home or...?" I say into the reciever.

He thinks for a bit, "I can see you.."
I turn around until i see him, hes across the room. I wave and hang up on him. I make my way towards him.
Juuzou is now cleansed of blood, hes obviously showered.
"Do you want to go home?" He asks me. I nod in response, and with that he headed towards the door. I trailed behind him.
"Did you get your wound treated properly?" I question him, speeding up my pace so i'm walking beside him. He shakes his head, side glancing me.
"I'll just do it myself." He says opening the door and walking through. He flings the door wider, I catch it so I can make my way through.
"I would trust our medical staff Suzuya." I tell him, gently pulling at the shirt where his injury lay beneath. He looks down at me.
"I don't trust them. Besides i'll just make you do it if I dont want to." He says at me, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. I halt my steps then look at him.
He stares at me before quietly saying,
"You fell hard earlier.. Do you hurt..?"
This question surprises me, as I don't think Juuzou has ever shown mild concern for me in this way.
"Im.. Fine-" i laugh, "are you worried about it?" I question him.
He starts to walk again and i follow. It occurs to me that Juuzou doesn't really talk much, and its hard for me to believe this boy has many feelings. But clearly he feels some way about me. But the way hes been acting lately is throwing me off what I initially thought. When we spoke about the feelings he was having, he seemed vulnerable. Now hes closed off to me again. I desperately want to question him about it, but im sure hes just as confused...

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now