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"How are you feeling..?" Haise asks me, his face soft. I look at him, my hands trembling at my sides.
Before me stand a set of heavy oak doors, the only thing separating me from the waiting crowd beyond.
"I.. I'm fucking nervous!" I say, grabbing the bouquet of lillies from Haise's grasp.
The wedding.
Something i've been looking forward to since the Christmas Juuzou proposed. I had to beg Juuzou to have a proper wedding, something, i now regret.
"You'll be fine.. I'ts going to be over in a flash." Haise assures me, holding his arm out for me to grab. I slide my arm into his, pinning it against my cream coloured dress.
The doors slowly open, and my chest tightens. I close my eyes and begin to walk forward, the sounds around me muffled by my anxiety.
Before i know it, a hand grabs mine and leads me onto a raised step.
The bouquet is gently taken from my hands, only then do i open my eyes.
Juuzou stands before me, he slowly takes my other hand into his.
"Hey.." He says quietly, a small smile on his face.
Juuzou's hair is pushed back away from his face, i scan down his body to take in his suit clad form. He tightens his grip on my hands, pulling me a step closer.
"We're getting married.." I whisper, squeezing his hands.
At this point i turn my head to the seated guests, my former squad members, Mado Akira, Arima Kishou... The small group of associates i've come to know through working at CCG.
The guilt of leaving the force weighed heavier than ever on me these last few days, but knowing that i'm going to spend the rest of my life with the person i love is the only assurance i need.
I turn to Juuzou again, his gaze covering me in a sense of euphoria.
It is euphoric, knowing you love someone, and that person loves you in return, unconditionally.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now