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"A one-eyed!?" I hear someone cry out. My eyes fall onto Urie, he's released his kagune. He begins tearing through ghouls at a faster pace than i've ever seen from him.
My feet are knocked out from under me, i swiftly catch myself and flip back onto my feet.
"I'm going to eat up that tiny body of yours." I hear a voice say from behind me. I quickly turn, swinging my staff with my body. The ghoul jumps above it, my staff swinging just below his feet.
I shuffle backwards, readying my staff for a stabbing motion. I thrust the staff forwards into the ghouls chest, a cry echoing out of his mouth. Suddenly his kagune stabs into my sides, a sick burning emanating from the wounds. My head fills with fog, my mouth begins to drool blood. I bite down on my tongue and release my koukaku, grabbing his head and tearing it from the neck. My sides wont stop bleeding, i need to heal.
The scent of blood begins to entice me, my mouth beginning to drool with saliva.
The surroundings become cloudy, i feel the urge to bite down. Before i know it, my fingers are in my mouth, and im sucking the blood off of them. I reach down and dig my fingers into the ghouls corpse, snarling.
My fit of starvation is broken when i see Urie being beaten into the ground by Big Madam. I look around, finding Mutsuki skirmishing with two suited ghouls.
Who do i help first???
Big Madam begins to consume Urie's unconscious body, Mutsuki is kicked down by the suited ghouls. I quickly get to my feet, rushing towards them.
My head snaps towards Big Madam when i hear a loud crunch. Urie has somehow freed himself from Big Madam's jaws, and has launched himself towards Mutsuki.
Urie, in a crazed state, mows down the two suited ghouls. He doesn't look like himself, hes twitching erratically and can barely control his own movements. Urie throws himself towards Big Madam, i finally make it to Mutsuki's side.
"W-whats going on?" I ask reaching out to him. Urie's body slides into our view, he's battered to all hell.
He curls in on himself, covering his face with his gloved hands.
"Go die.. Why don't you all just drop dead..?" He mumbles to himself. Mutsuki leans forward, calling out to him.
Urie thrusts his arm into Mutsuki's torso, i gasp loudly. His kagune came out on its own. Mutsuki's blood begins to drip onto the cold floor, the smell wafting into my nose.
That's when i realize,

Mutsuki Tooru is a woman.

I crawl to their side, gripping their clothes. Our attention is turned to Big Madam, now recovered, making her way towards us.

I wrap my arms around them protectively, staring down the large ghoul lumbering towards us.
Suddenly, my vision is blocked. Juuzou has appeared in front of us, not just him, but his whole squad. Juuzou, now wielding his quinque 'Jason' greets the ghoul from his past.

"Hello Mama."

I watch as Juuzou's squad descends onto Big Madam. All the while Big Madam screaming at Juuzou, calling him 'Rei', questioning his feelings towards her. I clutch onto Urie and Mutsuki, a sudden nervousness flooding my body.
Juuzou's squad hacks away Big Madam's kagune, rendering her immobile and defenseless. I watch as Juuzou approaches her. I can't hear what he's saying, but Juuzou is speaking to her.
I see a visible change in expression on Big Madam's face, she begins screaming at Juuzou. In the blink of an eye, Big Madam is taken down by Suzuya squad.
I get to my feet and hurry to Juuzou, stumbling and falling face first into Hanbee's coat. Hanbee turns and looks at me, and so does Juuzou.
A look of surprise paints Hanbee's face, he pulls out a handkerchief.
"Miss.. You have blood.. All over your face." Hanbee says, handing me the small cloth.
I stare at him, a bit dumbfounded. Juuzou takes the cloth from me and begins wiping my face, a soft expression on his face.
"You did good today.. " he says softly.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now