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I slowly wake up, feeling Juuzou's abscence. I feel around before opening my eyes. I sit up and look at the time.
30 minutes before we have to leave. I roll of out bed, Juuzou's scent lingers, meaning it hasn't been too long since he left. An hour or two maybe. I scratch my head, making my way to the door, unlocking and opening it.
I walk down the hall, only to find the bathroom occupied. Shirazu is also waiting on the bathroom.
He looks me up and down, a funny look on his face.
"What??" I snap at him.
"Nothing! Just.. Didn't think Suzuya of all people would have a girlfriend." He responds, tapping his finger agaisnt the wall.
"We've been together for almost 3 years.. I don't think it's that surprising." I say slowly, crossing my arms.
"I never imagined you'd have a boyfriend either. You seem so.. Uptight." He says.
"Ok fuck this, im going to the downstairs bathroom." I say, going to leave.
"Ah- i meant to say that you two are just cute together!" He says quickly. I look at him, uncrossing my arms.
"Thank you. We haven't seen each other in months so thats what you sae last night. If you really want to know so bad." I tell him.
The bathroom door swings open, Mutsuki stands in the doorway, a bit surprised.
"Sorry i didn't know there were people waiting... Makiko you smell like.. " Mutsuki trails off. Me and Shirazu share a look, he stifles a laugh.
"What happened last night?" Mutsuki asks. Shirazu gently pushes Mustuki out of the way.
"I gotta piss come on!" Shirazu says, closing the door.
I shake my head and make my way downstairs, heading to the hopefully vacant bathroom.
"Makiko." I hear a voice call. I turn to find Haise, already fully dressed and ready to go.
"Ah.. Good morning Sassan." I tell him, tuening back around to head to the bathroom.
"Urie is in there." Haise says quickly. I groan and look at Haise.
"I need to talk to you about last night." He says, his arms crossed against his chest.
I sigh heavily, raking my hands through my hair.
"I just want to fucking piss!" I announce, walking over and banging on the bathroom door.
"Hurry up Princess! I can't imagine you're doing anything important in there!" I yell through the door.
Urie swings open the door, staring down at me.
"All yours." He says simply, pushing past me. I glance back at Haise, who shakes his head unknowingly.


Saiko's snores are evident through out the meeting, i was forced to sit beside her. Juuzou is sat directly across from me, on the far end of the table.
Hanbee runs over the evidence gathered at Nutcracker's residence. An ingredient list found there officially links Nutcracker and Big Madam at the auction house. I watch Juuzou's eyes linger away from Saiko's snoring frame at the mention of Big Madam. From what Juuzou has told me, he feels somehwat confusing feelings towards Big Madam, whos slipped through CCG's fingers multiple times.
The meeting concludes, and my squad rises to their feet. They all give me a look, before leaving. I get up from my chair, Juuzou is already at my side.
"Are you okay?" I ask him, he nods.
"Why wouldn't i be? It's just work." He reassures me, grabbing my hands and swinging them a bit.
"You left so early this morning.. Did you get enough sleep?" I ask him, holding our hands steady for a bit to gain his attention.
"Hmm.. Last night was the best sleep i've had in awhile." He responds, rubbing his thumbs against the back of my hands.
"Are you busy today? I have somewhere i want to take you." Juuzou says, glancing at his squad members.
I think for a bit, i can probably push meeting with my squad for a bit. They don't really need me.
"I'm not busy!" I say quickly. I see Juuzou smile, waving at his squad members.
"Bring my car around please!" He says, pulling keys from his pocket and tossing them into the air. Hanbee snatches them from the air, walking out.
"You drive?" I ask him, not truly believing what i'm hearing. He nods, a proud smile on his face.
"Liscensed since last year! Be proud of me." He says, planting his hands om his hips. I laugh and look at him, truly in disbelief.
"I am proud!" I say.
He looks at me expectantly, pointing to his lips. I giggle and plant a kiss on his lips, but before i can pull away, he grabs my waist and deepens the kiss.
I feel my face grow hot as i feel the stares from his squad members. I pull away and hide my face in my hands. I feel Juuzou pet my head, humming in satisfaction.
Soon, Hanbee comes back, keys in hand. "Senpai.. Your car is out front." He informs us.
Juuzou nods and grabs my hand, grabbing the keys from Hanbee while pulling me from the room.
"Please clean up the papers and have any new evidence presented to me this evening!" Juuzou calls out to them as we walk out together. I am proud of Juuzou, he's matured so much in these two years we've basically been apart. It feels so nice to be with him again. I hug his arm to my body, pressing my cheek against his shoulder.
He looks at me and smiles, walking through the automatic sliding doors, I follow beside him.
Out front on the curb, is a small dark red car. Its sleek body lets me know its a luxury car, more than a practical one.
"Hmm i think he called it a Mazda Roadster or something.. I liked the way it looked; and it goes fast." Juuzou explains to me, pulling me towards the car excitedly.
Suddenly i feel a bit nervous, he opens the door and pushes me inside. I hastily put the seat belt on.
He walks around the front and gets in on the right driver seat. He puts his seat belt on and puts the key in the ignition, the engine growls as the car roars to life.
I glance at Juuzou, a grin plastered onto his face. I grab the cross strap of the seatbelt, swallowing nervously.
"Okay.. Don't worry I'm a safe driver." Juuzou reassures me, before grabbing the gear shift and taking the car out of park. He suddenly steps on the gas, the car lurchinf forward as the engine revs. Juuzou swerves cleanly around traffic, changing gears as needed. I grab his wrist tightly, closing my eyes just as tight.
Juuzou laughs maniaclly, swerving onto the highway.
"Where are we going!?" I yell over the engine.
"13th Ward! I need you to come to my house real fast!" He yells back, taking his hand off the steering wheel and using his knee to steer. He pushes a button, rolling down the front windows. I quickly reach up, holding my hair out of my face.
Pure panic takes over my body, my grip firm on Juuzou's wrist. He laughs again, pressing his foot down on the gas and returning his hand to the steering wheel.
15 minutes later, we arrive at his small house. He pulls into the driveway, I glance at the pavement, noticing multiple tiremarks. Juuzou puts the car in park, pulling up on the E-brake to ensure his car doesn't roll back down the incline, and rolls up the windows.
  I let out a sigh of releif, pushing my messy hair out of my face.
"We're here! Safe and sound like i said!" He tells me as he turns off the car and drops the keys into the pocket. He undoes his seatbelt, getting out of the car. I rake my hands through my hair, making it look decent before undoing my seatbelt and getting out as well.
Juuzou is already at his door, unlocking it. I hurry to his side.
"You just wanted to show me your house?" I question him, pulling at his sleeve.
"No, something inside my house!" He explains, turning the knob and pushing the door open. He pulls me inside and I close the door behind me.
I scan the inside of the house, it seems extremely ordinary. I reach down and untie my laces, slipping out of my shoes. He shakes off his slippers, hopping onto the raised floor. I follow him, genuinely curious as to what he wants to show me.
Juuzou guides me into a room, which i soon figure out is his bedroom. Clothes litter the floor, the bed isn't made, and the bathroom light is on.
"Juuzou it's a mess in here." I say, clinging to his sleeve.
"No, I cleaned last week!" He refutes, walking to his dresser. The drawers are all pulled out, clothes hanging out of them. The pure mess makes me wonder how he even finds clean clothes.
Distracted by the scene, i fail to notice Juuzou pluck something from the top of his dresser until he presents it in front of me.
I look at the small rectangular box in his hands.
"I got this for you awhile ago.. But i never found the right time to give it to you.. Last night i thought we'd be a bit.. Busy." He says, the corner of his mouth curling into a smirk.
"You.. Juuzou you shouldn't have.." I speak softly, tracing my fingers against the rim of the box.
"Open it open it." He insists, handing it to me. I take it from him, Juuzou pushes his hands into his pockets, watching me carefully.
I open the lid, inside lay a silver necklace with a small charm with the roman numerals XXI.
"Is this.. The World?" I ask him, tracing my fingers along the smooth metal.
He nods in satisfaction, a big smile on his face.
"Because you're my world Makiko!" He says, squishing my cheeks together. I close my eyes, tears threatening to escape.
"I-I love it.. So much!" I say, tears falking down my face despite my best efforts. He leans back, brushing my hair from my face then cupping my cheek.
"Don't cry.. " he whispers, kissing my cheeks. I smile through the tears, wipping my face.
"Put it on me.. Please!" I say, gently removing the necklace from its box. He takes it from me, I gather my hair away neck.
He slowly slips the smooth silver chain around my neck, clipping it closed. I drop my hair and gently rub the charm between my fingers.
"Very pretty~" he says, patting my head.

Juuzou drops me off at the chateau, we hastily exited his home for fear of someone finding out we were slacking off during work hours. I unlock and open the door, being met with Mutsuki, Saiko, Shirazu and Haise in the livingroom. I shut the door behind me.
"Where have you been Makiko?" Haise questions, his eyes immediately going to the necklace adorning my neck.
"Ah.. I was going over some things with the Suzuya squad..Among other things." I say, avoiding eye contact. I slip out of my shoes and hurry over to sit beside Haise.
"We were just discussing the characteristics on the 'ingredient list' found in nutcrackers home." Haise reports, holding out a sheet of paper. I grab it, looking over the scan of the paper found at her residence.
"According to the list there are rare targets such as ones with 'artificial eyes' or 'vocalists' " Mutsuki reads from the paper.
"I've got it." Haise interrupts, we all look at him.
"We're going to become women." He says plainly.
We all stare at him.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now