Dies cutely

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Cody: I'm in love with an emo girl 😫😫😫

Izzy !!: all I want is AN EMO GIRLLLLLLLLL

Eva: ig that's my cue to break up with you

Izzy !!: NOOOOOO

Heather: omg this thing still exists
Heather: I thought yall were joking
Heather: who even owns this gc

Izzy !!: tehehe

Heather: should've known

Sierra: omg, TDI fans are soooooo stoked that theres an og cast gc!! They've been BEGGING for ss of what's going down!

Trent: a whoosidie whatsity

Sierra: you wouldn't understand Trent
Sierra: Also who's this emo girl your talking about Codykins :(

Cody: obviously not u lol

Noah: I thought you were over Gwen


Noah Muted Cody for 3 minutes

Heather: who gave Noah power

Izzy !!: all my friends have controls. Duhhhhhhh

Justin: why does my phone have notifications. I just cleared them.

Trent: hey Justin

Heather: since when do you talk to Justin


Noah: your also illiterate

Justin: 🖕

Courtney: I wonder what happened to Chef?
Courtney: actually don't answer that

Sierra: idk

Heather: why tf do you care anyways

Courtney: idk, me and Gwen were just talking abt time Chris deserved to die and I just thought about Chef

Noah: Chris deserved to die every moment he was alive

Eva: ^

Geoff: yea, Chris was pretty messed up dude. Omg. We should have a reunion party 🤩

Noah: no.

Trent: that sounds fun!

Bridgette: omg great idea bby 💖 💗 💓 💕

Geoff: ty babe 😘 ❤️ 💓 💗

Noah: vomiting atm

Heather: one step ahead of you, going to the ER due to attempt of kms

Cody: *moans cutely*

Noah: Heather is the room next to you available?

Cody: I'm so horny 😫

Trent: Justin are you still angry

Justin: hold on, doing makeup tuts. W/ Lindsay

Lindsay: yea!!!

Courtney: Cody stfu

Cody: why bby 😘

Gwen: your desperate for Noah to fuck you aren't you

Cody: WHAT

Bridgette: omg I remember now

Noah: with no due respect stfu Gwen

Bridgette: we all remember when you kissed Cody's ear Noah 💋👂

Heather: also that time you guys were "accidentally" cuddling together
Heather: kinda gay if you ask me

Courtney: omg. Noah's sexual awakening was Cody?! 🤮

Sierra: you take that back Courtyard
Sierra: and those were just accidents weren't they Cody? <333


Gwen: omg that was srsly all you got from that

Noah: sure you aren't. And no my sexual awakening was not Cody 😒

Heather: are you confirming you HAD a sexual awakening Noah?

Owen: what's a sexual awakening?

Izzy !!: it means your gay!

Gwen: Noah is gay confirmed??

Noah: that's none of your business

Gwen: Noah, were as supportive as it gets. I'm literally dating Courtney. Js come out already 😡

Eva: I can confirm he's gay and in love

Noah: wow Eva, your a real one.

Courtney: nihecirnvouebrvkjnkjRukernvkuenrv

Trent: congrats buddy

Noah: I hate you all

Heather: the feeling is mutual

Cody: does this mean I'm confirmed not a bottom?
Cody: also that's very kawaii of you Noah

Eva removed Cody from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Words: 528

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