tinsie weensie silly

454 12 5


Sierra: uh

Owen: hi sierra!

Sierra: hiii

Gwen: wsg hoes
Gwen: cody nvm

Ezekiel: yo yo yo
Ezekiel: whats up my homies!

Tyler: "i think i see a bird"

Gwen: lol

Heather: hey anyone remember that time dj killed a baby turtle?

Lindsay: oh yeaaaaa

Alejandro: that same day we crushed lindsay, cody, and noah with gigantic apples

Cody: ow

Courtney: that same day Cody almost suffocated in lady liberty's boobs.

Cody: double ow

Heather: you enjoyed that

Cody: no comment

Tyler: "my lawyers say no comment"

Bridgette: you dont have to quote everyone-

Tyler: aw

Lindsay: its ok Darrell!

Tyler:  one day...

Ezekiel: lol

Sierra: you guys want to know more secrets about chris?

Gwen: @everyone 

LeShawna: oooh yea girl!!

Harold: ^

Trent: oh hell yea

Chris removed Sierra from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Courtney: oh damn you chris

Chris: no more secrets. I almost got cancelled on world tour. 

Gwen: anyways.....

Ezekiel: hey how do you spell the letter z eh?

Trent: wdym z

Cody: z

Tyler: zee

Lindsay: twhsa

Harold: zuhee

LeShawna: what

Ezekiel: uh.. i think i'll just google search it!

Harold: gosh

Trent: erm

Duncan: i wonder if heather wants to watch porn now

Heather: no.

Bridgette: hey remember when courtney and duncan got married on international tv?

Courtney: i wish i didnt...

Duncan: we got a divorce, dude, chill

Sierra: codykins hasnt divorced me has he?!?

Cody: can noah be an answer?

Trent: no

Cody: aw shit

Alejandro: you guys are still in fact, legally married.

Cody: LEGALLY..?

Alejandro: yup

Gwen: damn...

Cody: status: crying

Bridgette: sigh

Gwen: remember when Blainley or whatever her name was called Owen "Chubby Hubby"

Duncan: i wanted to kms that night

Alejandro: that was in fact interesting...
Alejandro: and that time codys "boyfriened" called me an eel?

Cody: shut up im crying

Owen: he is

Trent: ^

Lindsay: world tour was crazy!

Gwen: real

Courtney: boyfriend kisser.

Gwen: babe i thought we were over this-

Alejandro: sounds like a you problem

LeShawna: boy you cheated every girl on the show, then you dated heather! 

Harold: preach my beautiful luscious leshawna

LeShawna: im so sorry for falling for that jerk string bean

Harold: all is forgiven my queen

Justin: ew

Alejandro: @Tyler you never paid back that favor did you?

Tyler: uhm..
Tyler: no..?

Alejandro: well you can make up for it tonight

Cody: woah

Lindsay: thats great louis!!

Tyler: .

Trent: alejandro frisky again?

Heather: oh no

Alejandro: he said he would repay it?

Courtney: interesting use of 'repay'

Bridgette: you guys are weird, im glad i got voted out ngl

Gwen: same

Courtney: I was a CIT!!! you shouldnt have voted me.

Trent: shut up

Owen: that was a fun season!!

Justin: we could have NOT done action if SOMEONE hadnt given up the grand he was being offered.

Owen: who?

Bridgette: ,,,,,,,

Gwen: real

Tyler: im gonna get fucked aren't I??

Sierra: yep

Heather: yep

Gwen: uh huh

Alejandro: si

Tyler: skdaddling

Harold: you cant run from this rizzly bear

Alejandro: i do not agree with the nickname, but no mi querida, youre not escaping.

Tyler: status: sobbing w cody

Cody: real

Owen: ngl, justin is a guy i'd make a sandwich for

Courtney: then you'd eat the sandwich

Owen: yea...

Justin: owen youre not even a girl

Trent: don't worry, i'd make a sandwich for you baby
Trent: an edible one

Justin: <33

Sierra: i'd make a sandwich for you cody !!

Cody: no thanks
Cody: I'd rather have my actual husband do it

Courtney you should stop calling noah your husband before he beats your ass

Cody: getting my ass beat by a cute guy sounds fun

Gwen: he's gonna kick you in your dick

Cody: dont have one

Heather: real

Words: 513

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