New Year New Yeet

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A/n: happy new years sillies!! Also im looking back at this story, and im realizing...

you guys are FUCKING WILD
Why did so many of you reply to cody revealing he was horny saying "me too" or anything similar to it-

like calm down...... /hj

anyways.. happy new years, and may 2024 be ur year and lets get on to the silly story :3



Justin: FUCK YOU

Cody: L slow typer

Trent: you were literally up all night eating candy ofc ur typing rlly fast

Courtney: god wtf

Heather: yea happy new years or whatever now let me sleep

Noah: its only 2:00 in the morning, live a little

Alejandro: you cant really 'live a little' at 2:00 in the morning after being at a party all night and living life to its fullest then

Duncan: that sounds like a you problem man
Duncan: happy new years tho

Bridgette: happy new years!!

Geoff: happy new years, and damn the party was wicked last night!! (A/n: anyone want a new years party chapter??)

LeShawna: ooh girl, what was in that punch?

Geoff: dunno, ask DJ

Duncan: hes passed out on my couch atm

Cody: faggot :3

Duncan: you're dead.

Gwen: you honestly deserved it
Gwen: happy new years!!

Justin: happy new years ugly fucks
Justin: i hope yalls resolutions are to get prettier

Eva: stfu slut

Justin: gasp


Owen: huh
Owen: wait that wasnt right..

Noah: good enough bud,

Heather: you're being too nice, finally had some character development?

Noah removed Heather from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Noah: whore

Trent: you guys can never chill out can you?

Duncan: its on my resolution list

Courtney: wow I never knew you cared enough to even try and make a list!

Duncan: im a new man, surprisingly its Chris' fault

Chris: whats my fault?

Sierra: the fact Courtney will never become a lawyer, Gwen will never get to tryout for another shot of being a rockstar, Duncan will never be anything, Zeke can try as hard as possible to be a vet, but will always be rejected, Bridgette will never be a pro surfer, DJ wont be able to host a show, Heather wont ever be a model, Justins agencies wont sign him again, Lindsays wont either, Geoff wont be a TV host ever again, Harold wont be able to be apart of a geek club, Trent wont be a musician, Noah cant get into his dream college, LeShawna will never be an actor, Sadie and Katie.. most likely dont have any dreams, Izzy isnt aloud in most ublic places, Eva cant be an athlete, Cody will also never be a musician, and Owen will most likely never be apart of the pie eaating league. Which is in fact a thing!
Sierra: a lot is your fault actually Chris,

Courtney: shouldve known

Cody: ok is nobody concerned she knows all this?!

Noah: hun, at this point its normal

Justin: ^

Sierra: it didnt take long to remember any of it really

Trent: now thats concerning

LeShawna: ^
LeShawna: total drama really did ruin us all,

Geoff: Japarty..... :(

Gwen: ok but Owen wtf is a pie eating league
Gwen: @Owen

Owen: the league...

Izzy: awwwwe dont be sad Big O!!!

Owen: I tried to land a spot in the league..
Owen: but they found my history........

Heather: here we go,

Owen: they declined me...
Owen: and instead

Trent: this is gonna be a while

Owen: they casted..
Owen: El Hombre Chip...

Alejandro: The Chip Man?

Owen: yes! I knew my buddy Al would know!

Alejandro: my resolutions are to make you stop saying that.

Gwen: well...

Trent: well Owen, theres always uhmm

Cody: is there a pizza eating league?

Sierra: yea!

Cody: try out for that then Owen!!

Owen: ok!!!

Sierra: you're so smart Codykins!!

Noah: my resolutions are to get her to stop calling him that

Cody: "sigh" -DJ

Izzy: you guys are sosoossooooo funnyyyyyyy

Courtney: shut up

DJ: what did I miss

Duncan: absolutely nothing

Cody: faggot

Gwen: lmao

DJ: guys for the record
DJ: yknow none of you are gonna listen anyways

Justin: yea that sounds about right

Duncan: fuck you all

Read at 2:31

Words: 718

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