RR (Ridonculous Race??!?!?!?)

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A/n: i got bored and felt like R needed a part 2 so here (this is js another excuse to work on the party chapter, I SWEAR ITS COMING)


DJ: so...

Duncan: that was badass tbh


Alejandro: that was not expected
Alejandro: especially from you Justin

Justin: he was ugly anyways, 

Heather: ofc you say that

Courtney: ^

Cody: I want Noah back

Gwen: add him then dumbass??

Cody: ok!!

Cody added Noah to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Cody: hi baby!!

Noah: Harold im at your door

Harold: jokes on you im not home

Gwen: where are you then??

LeShawna: here

Harold: yes ma'am...

Gwen: well then

DJ: whos telling their story next

Bridgette: DJ wbu??

Duncan: oh yeaa

DJ: uh ok!
DJ: so i lived w my Mama right? and uhhh we hung out a lot, she scolded me about peeing my pants a lot as a kid.. 

Heather: lmao

Duncan: real

DJ: nothing much happened! but then I came out to her

Gwen: fuck I forget you're queer sometimes

DJ: I-
DJ: yea but she said she didnt mind I was pan lol

Duncan: you guys actually come out to people? could never be me lmao

Gwen: ew coming out makes me scared

Courtney: ^
Courtney: my dad was shocked omg 

Alejandro: my dad doesnt even know-

Harold: gosh

Justin: you guys told people? lmao

Noah: ok why did my whole family know before i did what the fuck
Noah: literally everyone responded 'ik' when i told them 

Sierra: because your first celebrity crush was Keanu Reeves when you were 12?

Cody: Noah you own like five pride flags don't you

Sierra: ^
Sierra: and you literally act like a femboy

Gwen: arent your nails black dude

Cody: since he was 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Noah: stop fucking me like that

Sierra: WHAT

Cody: I'd love to fuck you rn


Heather: wheres the popcorn

Alejandro: ^

Justin: ew who paints their nails black anymore you ugly fucks

Eva removed Justin from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Eva: my god

Harold: uh i think he means fucking WITH me, gosh

LeShawna: GO TO BED.

Harold: yes ma'am...

Noah: shut up nerd

Duncan: ok you cant be talking

DJ: I-

Courtney: LMAO

DJ: ok..

Heather: this is an interesting conversation actually

Cody: lol

Courtney: did Bridgette go to sleep?

Sierra: yes.

Duncan: hoes mad


Duncan: sorry not sorry babe

Gwen: you guys are a nut job

Cody: uh is that a good thing

Heather: you wish

DJ: sigh

Sierra: omg who remembers when Geoff and Bridgette made out in Chris' tanning machine
Sierra: was it his tanning machine?

Gwen: I giggled

Courtney: that was odd

Bridgette: where were we supposed to go for privacy?


Noah removed Chris from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Justin: mood honestly

Heather: damn you all

Alejandro: real

Cody: so i just frew up

Gwen: sighs

Alejandro: Cody, ¿estás bien?

Heather: is your keyboard still set to Spanish?

Alejandro: why wouldnt it be?

Cody: im fine
Cody: but really hyper
Cody: and sick

Noah: I told you to not eat all that shit

Courtney: did you guys know I was a CIT

Noah: WE KNOW.

Heather: ^

Justin: ^^

Courtney: fuck off

Gwen: im sorry but ive gotta agree with them

Courtney: ...

Duncan: damn

Cody: im going ni ni

Bridgette: ni ni!

DJ: hes eepy

Cody: DJ-

DJ: lol night man

Gwen: i hope all the bed bugs bite

Duncan: real

Sierra: gn Codykins!!

Cody: yea im leaving

Noah: why the fuck are we still up

Justin: Lindsay went out w some friends so im js waiting for her

Heather: she doesnt have friends??

Courtney: other from Beth (ewwww)

Duncan: youre so smart princess

Courtney: bad night to you Dumbcan

Alejandro: cia, buenas noches







Duncan: so you wanna watch porn yet?

Heather: die in a hole bitch

Words: 537

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