unhinged whores

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Gwen: I feel like giving a man head

Cody: hi bbg

Courtney: porn lmao

Gwen: may I?

Courtney: sure whatever 😒

Izzy: what the fuck

Eva: I think I'm high

Tyler: same

Eva: we should go to a club

Tyler: gay club

Izzy: gay club

Geoff: guess what..
Geoff: I'm gay....

Bridgette: go fuck Harold or smth u man whore

Geoff: sure

Harold: I like girls...

Tyler: I don't

Alejandro: ??

Tyler: fuck?

Alejandro: oui

Noah: what is this

Cody: erm...

Gwen: get back here whore

Cody: bet

DJ: so...

Duncan: pookie

Noah: that's interesting


Heather: BETH

Beth: :3

Heather: :3

Katie: what tf

Sadie: I think they're a little silly

Katie: shut up

Sadie: no u

Katie: no u

Sadie: no u

DJ: the heck did I just walk into

Noah: they're being unhinged for no reason whatsoever

DJ: oh

Beth: were not unhinged! *huffs cutely*

Noah: yea im gonna go kms

DJ: don't do that dude

Noah: to late

Alejandro: Tyler mon amour, nous n'avons pas fini...

Noah: and he's French now

DJ: you understand him?

Noah: ofc I speak some French

Tyler: I'm sorry, Al, but...
Tyler: were divorcing 😞

Sierra: huh

DJ: sierra please tell me ur normal

Sierra: what's going on?

DJ: oh thank god

Noah: everyone's acting weird

Sierra: oh k

Noah: damn that's the calmest I've ever seen you

Sierra: I can be worse?

DJ: no.

Ezekiel: what going on eh?

Noah: .

Owen: I ate a rat

DJ: they're crazy

Trent: and I ate that dick of yours

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