A/n: this is a filler chapter cuz im still working on the party chapter sorry-


DJ: all right
DJ: its time

Duncan: what

Alejandro: the insomnia crew is back again

Beth: huh

Lindsay: hiiiii

Noah: what
Noah: im having actual tea rn

Gwen: share

Noah: no

Courtney: sigh

DJ: its time we all spill the tea,
DJ: who were u b4 Total Drama?

Duncan: you did not

Heather: but he did

Gwen: wait i wanna go first
Gwen: so uhm I lived w my mom and brother right?
Gwen: my dad divorced my mom bc she went to jail

Noah: what

Gwen: yaaaaaa...

DJ: continue the spill

Gwen: so I lived w my gran and gramps who did drugs
Gwen: they were like high all the time

Bridgette: i like that song

Sierra: Bridge were not talking abt a song-

Bridgette: ik

Gwen: shut up
Gwen: and so when i was 15, the year before I went to TD
Gwen: I got into drugs lmao

Duncan: I see why I dated you

Courtney: BARK BARK

Heather: Courtney in her furry era?

Alejandro: lol

Gwen: so i did drugs a lot in highschool
Gwen: even sold them to the janitor

Bridgette: damn

Gwen: thats it

DJ: pick someone to go next

Gwen: wheres the snarky bitch

Noah: excuse me what

Gwen: you next hoe

Noah: uhhh pass??

Heather: LMAO

Duncan: ok pop off ig

DJ: tell your story
DJ: who were you b4 TDI??

Noah: ah ha...
Noah: I was still Noah Sterecra fym

Heather: omg

Alejandro: no, what was your life like before Noah.

Noah: sigh

Heather: spilllllll

Noah: ok so I went to the best magnet high near my town, all my siblings went or whatever it was rlly boring but most of the kids were decent.

Duncan: why does your life have to be so perfect and boring

DJ: Duncan.

Duncan: sorry

Noah: oh honey it only gets worse
Noah: i got a scholarship to University of Toronto

Courtney: oh damn

Noah: and then I thought it would be great to boost my rep by auditioning for TD

Sierra: didnt you audition in the middle of the school day?

Noah: stfu
Noah: and now im here. working morning to evening, havent gone to college yet

Alejandro: remind me, where do you work again?

Cody: movie theater!!
Cody: oh hi ive been stalking the chat

Heather: ofc

Noah: yea my life just went to shit after TD

Harold: fun fact: me and Noah actually went to the same high school

Noah: fuck off I don't want to remember those days

Bridgette: what days?

Harold: the dark days..

Noah: Harold stfu
Noah: please

Harold: those days.. were the darkest of them all... back in 2007..

DJ: Harold you tell your story next

Noah has left ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Cody: you made my baby leave

Sierra: I can replace him!!

Gwen: kys

Courtney: ^

Sierra: I-

Harold: back in the dark days of our highschool..
Harold: my mad skills

Heather: you dont have any dumb fuck

Harold: got us all in some big trouble..
Harold: so we pushed a kid off the roof

Duncan: WHAT

Alejandro: i am speechless.


Justin: no we didnt kill anyone
Justin: he went into a coma for the next 7 years, died twice, and woke up insane

Harold: yea, GOSH

DJ: he died TWICE??

Bridgette: oh my god

Justin: hes ok now, js in a mental institution

Cody: wait all 3 of you were apart of it?

Harold: after our finals, some boys met on the roof, we were RESPONSIBLY drinking


Justin: then a guy and us three were extremely drunk and he fell off
Justin: we all didnt realize until the next morning bc we left that night right before it happened

Cody: ..

Justin: oh also did you know Noah had an emo phase? He was hella ugly, uglier than he was now tbh

Eva removed Justin from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Eva: good fucking god

Courtney: that was..

Duncan: sierra I think you should leave this story off your blog

Sierra: too late

Bridgette: you guys are insane

Words: 707
A/n: i'll most likely make another chapter of them telling stories again bc it was so fun

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