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A/n: cutely changes my Alejandro ship


Ezekiel: unpopular opinion,
Ezekiel: Kaufmo is the best amazing digital circus character

Harold: YES

Heather: the amazing digital what

Gwen: you've never heard of TADC?

Izzy !!: very popular opinion: your wrong 👹

Bridgette: what is that emoji

Izzy !!: we all know Ragatha is best 👌
Izzy !!: and prettiest!

Eva: who is this ragatha

Duncan: someone's jealous

Eva: no?

Courtney: your just jealous that trent chose justin over you

Alejandro: speaking of yesterday..

Justin: yes I took him back

Cody: wait what did you say abt gifts?

Gwen: oh shit

Courtney: someone is going to hell today

Sierra: (noah)

Noah: uhm actually I did

Gwen: omg you sound like a nerd rn

Duncan: 🤓

Harold: UhM aCtUaLlY bBg...

Ezekiel: lol

Noah: cody we had a sleepover at my place and I let you sleep w me like you asked tf

Cody: oh-

Alejandro: good job

Gwen: they grow up so fast...

Cody: your literally my sister

Heather: Alejandro when did we adopt all these kids

Alejandro: 🤷‍♂️



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Cody: oh god heather were going poor

Courtney: WTH WEBCOMICS 💀💀💀

Justin: I do not read webcomics

Gwen: Canadian 💀

LeShawna: thank God I'm not from canada

Trent: you still live here-

LeShawna: Hush 🥰

Sierra: so were all poor?

Duncan: 😀

Ezekiel: Jason Derulo

Heather: that was so random

Gwen: wtf are we even talking abt anymore

Trent: idk

Justin: 💀

Heather: Justin your ugly

LeShawna: oop

Justin: say goodbye to your family

Alejandro: good time to break up w you

Tyler: omg fr

Courtney: DAMN

Trent: tyler is coming for your dick man


Duncan: totally

Justin: lmao lindsay doesn't even remember your name

Tyler: shut up

Duncan: maybe if cody forgets sierras name she'll leave him alone

Cody: thanks for the idea

Courtney: we all know that's never gonna work

Geoff added Emma, Brody, and Kitty to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️
Noah removed Emma from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Noah: no.

Kitty: omg hiiiiii

Brody: yoo Kit Kat

Owen: Kitty!!

Kitty: Owen!!

Brody: ignore me then ig

Geoff: yoo my man

Noah: please don't turn this into the rr gc

Heather: omg this is the og gc now the rip off seasons

Kitty: were not a rip off season :(
Kitty: also why tf did u remove my sister

Kitty added Emma to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Gwen: omg ik you
Gwen: your that girl

Emma: please don't even

Cody: wait what girl is this i never watched rr

Trent: a simp 🦖

Tyler: ^ noahs simp

Cody: 😃

Emma: I thought you were his simp

Gwen: I thought noah was your simp?

Kitty: what

Owen: @Brody did u mention kit kats earlier?

Bridgette: don't even try, they're making out outside our house

Owen: oh ok
Owen: tehehe

Ezekiel: oh hey
Ezekiel: you guys are from ridonc right eh?

Emma: sadly

Ezekiel: and your the girl who said noahs but looked like it belonged to a Roman god

Read at 3:06

Words: 512

A/n: if u haven't noticed then I'm now including aletyler In This fic bc my mind has been changed. Al and Heather r still besties tho <33

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