461 10 7

La Familia ❤️🫂


Cody: what

Heather: I'm bored.

Gwen: real

Courtney: 😭

Cody: hey isn't DJ in this gc?

Gwen: oh yea

Heaher: @DJ

DJ: ....

Cody: u good man?

DJ: :(

Gwen: oh

Harold: 🫂🫂🫂

Heather: why is he here

Cody: he's uncle harold
Cody: and auntie leshawna

Gwen: to our future kids

Harold: yea man

Heather: ....
Heather: I hate my life

Tyler: huh
Tyler: oh hey wsg DJ

DJ: i hate everything

Gwen: 😨

Cody: ruh roh

Harold:... do u wanna talk abt it man?

DJ: yea :(

Heather: @Alejandro
Heather: this is not my thing

Alejandro: DJ, mi hijo, what's wrong?

DJ: it sucks
DJ: being in love

Cody: beforehand yes, I completely agree 😞

Gwen: when ur in a healthy relationship its not so bad
Gwen: unless ur partner is a sarcastic prick who teases u 24/7 and doesn't message you back until 1 in the morning


Heather: (twice)

Cody: SHUT

Alejandro: anyways...
Alejandro: DJ continue

DJ: it was the worst person too
DJ: Duncan? Like what?

Heather: agreed

Tyler: real


Harold: yessir!

Gwen: DJ have u even talked to duncan abt it?

DJ: no..?

Tyler: that's a good place to start man!

Cody: ^

DJ: I didn't even feel like picking up my phone this morning..

Alejandro: rest, then do it later

Cody: (no pressure tho)

DJ: thanks guys :)

Harold: it's what family's for!

Heather: I hate this so much

Gwen: shut up mom

Heather: 💀

E-SCOPE 🏋‍♀️🌱📖

Izzy !!: wyd??????????

Noah: trying to sleep

Eva: is that all you do?

Noah: other from talk to you assholes and hang out with cody, pretty much.

Izzy !!: Noah and Cody sitting in a tree....

Noah: stop.

Izzy !!: k I s s I n g

Eva: izzy.

Izzy !!: bae?

Eva: shush.

Izzy !!: ok!!

Eva: good


Eva added 2 people to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Bridgette: .....

Brick: nice to meet your acquaintance ma'am!

Jo: brick

Brick: Jo?

Jo: shut up.

Brick: of course ma'am!

Jo: stop talking to me like I'm your mom Jesus

Brick: it's a habit.. 😞

Owen: hiiiiii

Sadie: omg hi!

Katie: hiiiiii!

Jo: no.

Eva: socialize.

Jo: no.

Lindsay: hiiiii!

Jo: is that barbie?

Eva: yes,

Brick: hello there Original cast of the Total Drama Island TV show!

Eva: brick.

Brick: Eva?

Eva: shut up

Brick: :/

Bridgette: so....

Alejandro added DJ to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Alejandro: you can do it DJ

DJ: ...

Lindsay: hi CJ!!

Katie: everyone is online today!

Sadie: ikkkkkk!!

DJ: @Duncan

Duncan: what
Duncan: no piss off

Alejandro: Duncan.

Bridgette: he's gonna bring out the flip flop

Duncan: what do you want

DJ: to talk

Duncan: were talking rn?

Eva: Duncan.

Duncan: omg
Duncan: fine dm me

Alejandro: that's nice
Alejandro: anyways,

Ezekiel: heyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bridgette: hey zeke

Ezekiel: what up eh?

Bridgette: chaos, like always

Lindsay: huh?

Ezekiel: oh ok

Read at 3:06

Words: 503
(Filler chapter again-)

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