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Eva: oh no

Courtney: what

Eva: unadd Chris and Chef and the blonde girl rn

Geoff: oh gladly unadd the blonde girl


Noah: what the fuck

Cody: we should fuck

Noah: shut your mouth

Heather: who is playing christmas music on the call

Eva: oh god. you dug your own grave

Chef: @everyone


Courtney: yea merry christmas

Geoff: oh yea

Cody: all i want for christmas

Noah muted Cody for 3 minutes

Noah: his christmas gift will make up for it


Lindsay: merry chrismas!!!

Eva: .

Duncan: oh no

Sierra: you did this to yourself js so you know!

Courtney: what are you yapping on about


Duncan: oh god

Chris: if you wonder where some of your friends are, they're already gone.

Heather: fym they're already gone

Chris: for the challenge~!

Noah: im gonna kill you all

Sierra: you helped do it!

Cody: shut up

Chris: very soon, a cab will be at your place if you like it or not. Its technically still in your contract.

Noah: dont contracts expire?

Chef: not if you update em

Courtney: and how exactly did you get our signatures?

Chris: its also in your contracts that we could use your signature when we needed it for business reasons spesifically

Eva: i hate you all

Noah: thats fucking illegal you cum slut.

Chris muted Noah for 1 hour

Cody: oh come on
Cody: hes kinda cute when hes mad

Duncan: shut your mouth bitch

Chris: well campers, spare me the words and get ready!

Heather: fuck you chris

Chef: hehe,

Beth: oh!

So Duncan was beyond pissed of course. He knew this would happen, it happened to the other casts a few days ago. But for him, it happens on Christmas day. Of course he wasn't doing anything, other from treating himself to a drink and a cop show or two. But he was also waiting for something, or someone.. someone important. Someone he knew would come around if he liked it or not. He was looking through the messages with him and DJ from the confession. They didnt talk long, that was because Duncan didn't want to. But DJ surprisignly got out of telling his true feelings. Duncan thought it was crazy that he could see right through DJ. He figured DJ was already taken by Chris though due to his inactivity on the group chat.He also thought it was funny that DJ consumed so many of his thoughts when they barely talked nonetheless met up. He got really pissed though when he saw the Uber pull up outside the apartment building he was living in. Thank god he lived on the first floor at least.

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