Sobbing (party pt 2)

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Harold: get ready for the AWESOMEST PARTY EVER.

LeShawna: Harold baby were standing right next to eachother

Harold: but I need to get the word out to everyone!

Justin: get ur ugly ass of ur phone were starting.

And the Drama Brothers were on. Justin ran his hand through his hair. He gave Geoff a thumbs up from the other room to make the announcement. "You ready?" Trent asks. "When am I not?" "Oh I dont know, that one time we were going on a trip and you took FOREVER to do your makeup? On the last minute?" Geoff taps on the mic, startling the two. "Yoooooo, yall can hear me right?" Everyone nodded or yelled at him. "We have a veryyy special event for you tonight man! After that, we're starting karaoke." A few 'whoops' came from the crowd. "So if everyone can follow me, the show will start!" 

E-Scope was having the time of their lives, or at least Izzy was, trying to get Noah into the other room. Izzy was already drunk, and on a leash. Owen had left the already to find food. Noah did consider it though. He saw Cody in that stupid hat and knew he'd be singing tonight. But he didn't move. Instead, when everyone else left he went to go find Owen, and possibly anything strong enough to make him forget about this night. He could still hear the boys from the other room. The only people in any other part of the house were either drunk, or making out, or they were like Owen and wanted to eat. Cody was laughing pretty loudly every time Harold made a nerdy joke. Noah eventually found the bar, which happened to be right next to the kitchen where Owen was. "Wanna bite buddy?" Owen kept eating. "I heard Emma was a good cook!" Noah put down his bottle. "Emma's cooking can suck my dick"

Courtney sighed. "Cody is a horrible singer, it's crazy how Noah digs him." Gwen giggles. She was happier then she had ever been. It made Courtney smile, though she knew later that night she'd be throwing up in Geoffs front yard. "We should leave here Court..." Gwen rubs up against her shoulder. "I know where a quiet room is~" "Oh, em, gee!" Sierra bumps into them. "Is the Codykins just the BEST singer ever!" "I know he is!" Gwen says, intertwining fingers with Sierra. They squealed together, making Courtney's ears hurt more than they already did. "I'm sure your one of the people they dedicated this ongoing to Sisi!" Gwen says, small hic's could be heard between her words. "I knooooooow!" They squealed some more until Kitty came and called Sierra over. "We should go somewhere before everyone runs over us trying to leave." Gwen hooks onto her arm and nods. The two make their way out of the room, off to do God knows what.

The boys finished about an hour ago. Trent and Justin decided to treat themselves to a shot.. or six, and some of the ladies from other seasons. Justin got a good ego decrease from Ennui and Crimson who slandered him on his "beauty" which made Trent laugh. The two of them continued drinking though because they ended up in a challenge with Brody and Geoff to see who could take the most shots. Trent played a drunk single for Justin and his beauty, and there was a mini fashion show in Geoffs room. "Your sooooo fucked man" Trent leaned on Justin's shoulder. "I knoow!" The two laughed. They were more drunk than any of the people there. "You know what we should do Just?" Justin blinked.
"Make out"

Words: 635

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