snores in insomnia

910 13 77

Duncan: sex

Courtney: did you just finish a porn hub movie


Trent: 💀


Noah: I've been reading since yesterday evening

Trent: are you ok?

Duncan: him and cody must have went too hard the other day
Duncan: does cody moan like a girl?


Gwen: omg

Noah: that's not what was proved the other day

Cody: die in a motherfucking hole you bitch

Gwen: 😀

Lindsay: omg you know what we should do?
Lindsay: play a game!!

Gwen: we all have insomnia so sure
Gwen: @everybody

Cody: awooooooo

Duncan: stfu you furry

Heather: please

Trent: noah dude how does he turn you on

Noah: I never said he did

Lindsay: okk Cole
Lindsay: kmk Leanne, Taylor, Candace

Cody: kill my kid?

Bridgette: no kiss marry kill dumbo

Gwen: I'm guessing Candace is court and leanne is LeShawna

Cody: this game was meant to break friendships
Cody: kiss leshawna marry tyler and kill courtney

Trent: damn yall gotta watch your partners

Gwen: fr

Lindsay: glenn, heather emanuel aaaaaaand noelle

Cody: L imagine being given a girl name

Duncan: like she hasn't called you coco before

Noah: who asked?

Gwen: kill zeke kiss heather
Gwen: wait no

Trent: marry Noah? 💀

Duncan: there is no way on gods green earth you have that mindset

Noah: someone kill me please

Cody: no :)

Duncan: gay

Gwen: your one to talk

Duncan: piss off gothie

Lindsay: ella uhmmm

Eva: istg my name comes up b4 the message how do u get it fucking wrong you fuck ward

Tyler: don't be mean eva!

Duncan: pls stfu

Lindsay: noelle colby and sara

Noah: why do I keep coming up

Eva: I'm leaving

Lindsay: awwwe you haven't answered tho

Eva: kill them all

Noah: wow

Lindsay: ...
Lindsay: noelle, colby glenn and fernando

Duncan: fernando 💀

Heather: lmao

Bridgette: aren't you sleeping together

Heather: fuck you

Noah: kill eelajandro and the rest is self explanatory

Gwen: well ig were getting married then noah 😘

Noah: marry Cody kiss Gwen is what i meant to say

Gwen: 😀

Trent: you really thought noah would choose to marry you

Heather: fr 💀

Gwen: ever heard of a sense of humor
Gwen: I like women

Cody: and I already have engagement plans

Sierra: ikkkkk. We're wearing blue to our wedding!! Your favorite color :)

Cody:...with noah

Noah: I do not want to marry you honey

Sierra: exactly!
Sierra: and don't call him that

Heather: better than cOdYkInS

Gwen: fr

Duncan: where is the little twink of his anyways

Noah: he fell asleep on call

Heather: so your doing what? Taking pictures of him?

Trent: kinda gay ngl

Gwen: lol like you don't simp for justin

Duncan: 😧

Heather: say goodbye to your chances

Noah: fr

Trent: hey when was this abt my dating life

Bridgette: now??

Heather: fr

Trent: I'm going offline

Gwen: who's still online

Bridgette: 🦖

Duncan: 🔫

Noah: 🇫🇷

Sierra: 🥖

Heather: 🖕

Trent: it's 2 in the morning why tf are we up

Noah: I'm reading the entire chronicles of narnia series all over again

Duncan: porn hub

Heather: watching stupid spanish movies with ale-hell-no

Gwen: that's a new one
Gwen: I'm going to bed <33

Trent: I only got on bc u mf woke me up

Duncan: go cry abt it bbg 💗

Trent: gladly

Noah: then there were two
Noah: ✌️

Duncan: wanna watch porn on facetime

Heather: bye

Words: 580

The next few chapters are gonna revolve around ships

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