After Party

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Emma pushed through the crowd. She couldn't find her sister anywhere. "Emma..!" A slurred voice called her name. She turned around to see Noah, bottle in hand. "Oh, hey Noah" She came closer to him. "'Heyyyy Noahhhhhh'" he mocked. She could obviously see he was hella drunk. "You haven't seen Kitty have you?" Who was she kidding? He was drunk, and even if he wasnt.. he wouldnt care anyway. Noah was so difficult. But he started tearing up instead. God she didn't want to do this tonight. "I miss you..." he whimpers stumbling a bit. "Emmaaaaa.." Emma pinches the bridge of her nose. "Noah please, who did you come with?" He squinted. "Evie, Izzy, Big O... oh and that cute kid with the gap!" He said. "Gap?" Then Emma realized he was talking about than Anderson kid. Cody. She grabs onto his arm. "We're finding your people" He doesn't say anything as they pushed through the crowd to find anyone who was still sober. The party was basically over, but people were clearing out so it was absolutely wild.

The Next Morning.....

"Justiiiiiiin!" Justin wakes up to the sound of Lindsay in his room. She was in her robe and house shoes. "What happened to the Beauty Sleep rule Linds?" He awoke slowly and sat up in bed. "I think you'd want to see this.. your not gonna like it" Lindsay hands him a mirror and immediately his heart sinks. He looks for a second then he sees it on the right of his neck. "A hickey?!" He drops the mirror. Lindsay covers her ears. Justin fans himself as he steadies his breathing. How did this even happen? He couldn't even remember the last thing that happened... "Oh." He says quietly. "Oh no" Lindsay puts the mirror in her pocket. "What?" She asks. He searches for his phone. It's on the bedside table were he leaves it every night except there was a crack on the screen. By this time Lindsay had left to do her morning skin care routines.


Justin: did anyone happen to see me and Trent last night

Courtney: other from your sexual tension on stage, nope
Courtney: me and Gwen left early to make out

Cody: why tf is Noah drunk

Gwen: why tf am I still sick from last night

Sierra: why tf has cody not told me he dedicated the song to me :(

Heather: why tf r we talking like this

Cody: idk

Courtney: did u say noah was... drunk?

Cody: yes

Trent: that's surprising

Cody: like, he's fucking hungover
Cody: and it's weird because he's never complained so much in his life
Cody: more than that time I crashed at his place without asking

Courtney: are u at ur place?

Cody: yea Geoff gave us a ride back

Owen: wait didn't noah drive us there?

Heather: who asked about noahs status is my question

Noah: cody where the hell is my car

Heather: actually this just got interesting

Gwen: fr

Trent: I think Cody is dying rn

Sierra: he better not.

Noah: your so lucky I feel like living today Cody

Justin: so were gonna completely ignore my question

Heather: yup

Words: 533

A/n: Theres gonna be more couple stuff in the next few chapters. the reason nothing is italicized or bold now bc it turns the whole chapter that way and I can't undo it-

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