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Da Boise

Cody: guys
Cody: I need help

Trent: yes?

Harold: what's up my man?

Trent: just so u know Justin is sleep so he's not here-

Cody: well...
Cody: I'm going to noahs family reunion and I need to kidnap a kid

Trent: oh god

Harold:..and you need us to help you?

Cody: correct my brother

Trent: I hate you guys


Owen: fuck

Gwen: did Owen just swear

DJ: i-

Bridgette: that's interesting.
Bridgette: eva what have you done

Eva: what the fuck?

Duncan: owen has joined the Dark side

Geoff: goldfish

Trent: vomits

Geoff: you don't like gold fish my dude?

Trent: no

Heather: @Tyler is Alejandro trying to make out w you
Heather: bc he's not home

Tyler: .....

Lindsay: you can do it taylor!!

DJ: what's up man?

Alejandro: yes mi amor you can do it

Gwen: tyler admits he like guys?

Trent: omg rlly

Tyler: I
Tyler: Tyler Kenard....

Heather: spit it out already

Tyler: i... I like boys 😨

Alejandro: I'm boys

Gwen: good job Tyler 👏

Trent: 👏

Tyler: I'm also... dating a...

Heather: omfg

Tyler: a dumb Spaniard with rizz and -100 gyatt 😔

Alejandro: ok rude

Harold: yea AL

Alejandro left ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Trent: well that's out the way

Lindsay: I'm so proud of Noah for coming out!

Noah: I've been out for two years

DJ: she means tyler lol
DJ: but me too!

Lindsay: I thought tyler was still on the island?

Heather: omfg

WTF IS GOING ON HERE 🦖56462782🦖🦖🦖

Ennui: I'm going to kill you all

Noah: I accept the offer

McArthur: dude do u need to see a therapist?

Noah: no I just need to leave this gc

McArthur: then do it?

Noah: I can't, kitty will add me back for the 100th time

Kitty: <33

Junior: Kitty I think u have a problem

Kitty: why?

Crimson: you're in 28 group chats and started all of them

Emma: you have at least 100 contacts and message every single one each day 20 times

Junior: even the Google automated ones?

Emma: yup

Spud: milk

Ennui: go away

Spud: ok

Sanders: yea Kitty maybe you need to take a break for social media


Geoff: wut

Noah: go to hell

Geoff: ok

Taylor: Jesus

Ennui: I don't believe in him

Taylor: ew.. why are you so creepy?

Crimson: why are you not

Taylor: whatever I'm going offline

Owen: bye!!

Taylor: shut your mouth fatass

Owen: :'(

Ryan: @Owen this you?

Kitty: don't be mean!

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Kitty: don't be mean!

Ryan: if it gets me kicked from this gc then I will

Kitty: in that case your never leaving

Ryan: fuck you

Noah: good idea though man,

Ryan: thanks dude now I'm going offline smh

Ennui: please

Ryan: 😒

Mi Vida 💖/hot Spanish dude 😨

Mi Vida 💖: why is coming out so hard

hot Spanish dude 😨: thats just how it is mi amor
hot Spanish dude 😨: the only supportive person in my family is... Jose 😒

Mi Vida 💖: damn

hot Spanish dude 😨: yes I know.

Words: 516

A/n: I think the next chapter is going to be like an actual written chapter based on events going down, still some gc tho-

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