i cant even title anymore 😪

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The Gay Haven

Heather: just another average day in the gay haven

Alejandro: why is the chat named that

Alejandro renamed the chat to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Alejandro: much better

Harold: @Heather
Harold: why did the chicken cross the road?

Heather: omg to get to the idiots house, I'm the idiot. Please stfu

Harold: dammit

Trent: lmao

Cody: omg guys
Cody: it's a bitch! (@Harold)

Heather: karma

Harold: 😡

LeShawna: don't bully the string bean twink

Harold: yea you BOTTOM

Gwen: not this conversation again 💀

Cody: for the love of God I'm not a bottom.

Eva: I'm sure we all know how to confirm this..

Courtney: if u @ that sarcastic bitch istg

Eva: @Noah

Courtney: FUCK

Owen: did anyone of you guys go trick or treating on Halloween?

Heather: I can't even you big fucking baby

Courtney: no we just went on the streets as a mass murderer and gay homophobe to scare kids

Gwen: (the knife was real)

Alejandro: interesting

Justin: I had to be a fucking Teletubbie

Harold: then you made out w Tinky-Winky the whole time

Gwen: I'm gonna guess trent was tinky

Trent: correct

Heather: did anyone see izzys post the other day

Noah: if you say anything about Halloween costumes

Cody: weren't u guys like heathers or smth

Bridgette: I'm sorry what
Bridgette: you're telling me tweedleshit and tweedlestrong dressed up... feminine?

Harold: oh my gyatt

Cody: wait lemme search up heathers

Courtney: I can't believe that

Eva: good. Now you know it was fake

Owen: it wasn't?

Noah: cody you were literally veronica one year and still don't know what heathers is?

Cody: OHH
Cody: is this a snack shack drive thru or smth
Cody: bc I'd like to have a piece of that one in the middle

Eva muted Cody for 3 minutes

Bridgette: 💀

Sierra: omg you guys all looked so good! Me Bridgette and Zeke went to a halloween party together!

Ezekiel: we did eh?

Bridgette: you were high on sugar

Ezekiel: oh haha

Owen: hey that's a good idea
Owen: what does getting high mean

Duncan: someone said smth abt drugs?

Alejandro: worse, candy

Duncan: oh fuck

Courtney: owen is trying to get high on sugar

Gwen: again

Duncan: aight bye


Heather: hes gone dude

Justin: why are the Teletubbies so ugly

Eva: ^

Tyler: I spent the entirety of Halloween w Linds

Alejandro: interesting mi amor

Tyler: you're scary when you talk in spanish

Bridgette: ^

Cody: and you call me a twink AL

Alejandro: do you want the chancla or not


Duncan: cody how are you still a virgin

Trent: .....

Harold: I actually wonder that too sometimes

Cody: why??

Gwen: ^

Duncan: ur bf is so desperate

Courtney: 💀

Ezekiel: why are we talking about this eh?

Bridgette: exactly

Gwen: lol

Courtney: uhhhhhhh

Trent: where do yall live

Cody: what-

Trent: Christmas

Gwen: can we please let November finish b4 Christmas 💀

Duncan: so real

Heather: ok grinch

Bridgette: 💀

Words: 507

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