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You SHitty Bitchass Mf

Owen: thats so cool!!!

Kitty: ikr!!

Taylor: omg shut UP

Brody: i think its rlly cool dude

Junior: im so done here

Junior left You SHitty Bitchass Mf
Kitty added Junior to 
You SHitty Bitchass Mf

Junior: come on kitty

Kitty: no

Ellody: technically, Junior, if you block her, you cant be added back

Mary: its quite simple actually!

Junior: I know. but blocking kitty is like not eating your favorite food
Junior: if i stopped eating pizza, i would be soooo upset!

Laurie: oh, I could never eat pizza! its just not vegan lol

Miles: yup, earth first!

Ennui: you cunts

Miles: ?

Ryan: i'd rather hang out with Stephanie than be here!

Owen: did u guys break up again?

Ryan: oh of course!

Stephanie: i cant fucking stand you!

Ryan: oh sweetie, its on.

Noah: i'd appreciate it if u did this in dms to spare my phone of notifications

Crimson: ^

Owen: ^^ (sorry)


Bridgette: god i hate these gcs

Noah: real

Owen: theyre so fun!!

Gwen: they're rlly not,,,,,

Courtney: real

Heather: im only here for the drama

Duncan: total drama real

Alejandro: Duncan, why do you think you were put on total drama?

Heather: exactly!

Chris: yknow, i chose you all because i knew you were dramatic

Courtney: wow, I never knew

Chris: hey, there were a lot of audition tapes! Tyler barely got in.

Tyler: huh

Alejandro: he just fell off the bed, give him a pass

Gwen: tyler got in bc he was stupid

Duncan: ^

Courtney: lindsay too ngl..

Tyler: lindsay!?

Heather: no

Sierra: omg omg omg omg omg 
Sierra: cody took a selfie w me!!!

Noah: my boyfriend isnt with me because hes with you?

Courtney: jealous real

Cody: i was hanging w Bridgette and zeeke and she showed up

Noah: you were hanging with those nerds instead of me?

Gwen: jealous real-

Cody: uh

Noah: only asking because you wont ever shut up about how we should hang out.

Heather: jealous real

Alejandro: you guys are funny

DJ: guys

Duncan: deej

DJ: dunc

Courtney: look guys, they made up!

DJ: hush

Duncan: no go on princess

Gwen: oop,

Duncan: hes so flustered rn

DJ: leaving

Cody: oh come on u made DJ sad

Heather: queers

Alejandro: i take some offense to that

Gwen: its true??

Tyler: captain hook is in my room guys!!!

Courtney: HELP??

Alejandro: im wearing his jacket and he thinks im captain hook

Noah: just smack him over his head a good time and he'll come back
Noah: promise me, it works on cody when im stupid enough to buy him candy

Cody: :(

Owen: i don't think that will help little buddy...

Gwen: damn

Heather: id still do it anyways

Courtney: oh hush heather

Trent: bro what

Gwen: wsg homie

Trent: wsp

Owen: hiiii trent

Trent: hey Owen

Chris: uh hey campers? you're being really dry right now. the readers are probably really bored.

Cody: what readers?

Tyler: you dont know about the readers?????

Chef: ^

Gwen: ok now im confused

Chris: whatever, but you should be more interesting.

Courtney: erm...

Owen: im hungry

Nosh: go eat

Owen: great idea

Trent: see, this is why I read instead of text.

DJ: real

Duncan: anti social much? 

Heather: i hate u all sm

Ezekiel: yooooo what did I miss homies?

Noah removed Ezekiel from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Cody: gahd dayumn

Trent: I-

Sierra: aww what did Zeke do?

Courtney: .

Gwen: sigh

Heather: ^

Cody: Sierra, you wouldn't understand 

Sierra: ???

Alejandro: they're saying you have to be an original total drama contestant to understand 

Sierra: if only..

Cody: don't you even dare finishing that sentence

Gwen: rather it be sierra than me lmao

Cody: you.

Words: 517

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