snores in insomnia 2.0

405 7 29


Cody: yo

Harold: i was trying to sleep GOSH

Gwen: its twelve at night cody wtf

Noah: ugh

Cody: important question
Cody: has anyone seen that one ripoff of total drama hosted by like uh

Lindsay: Kyles daughter?

Gwen: chris has a daughter?


Noah: with the gay kids? yea of course now go back to sleep.

Harold: I know a guy from that show!

Duncan: omg its 12:07 stfu 

Heather: ^

Noah: and we've awaken the dumbasses

Duncan: that offer for a lip piercing is still up twink

Noah: no thanks

Gwen: yknow I never cared enough to watch disventure but now that ik chris' daughter is the host i kinda want to

Cody: ngl, shes way nicer

Chris: yea, sadly, but at least she got her good looks from you know who!

Noah removed Chris from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Noah: all in a nights work

Heather: omg disventure camp is so shit i cannot

Harold: tbh Fiore reminds me all too much of Heather....

Cody: yea are you guys related?

Heather: you'll never know idiots.

Gwen: im tired pls stfu

Duncan: thats what im saying

Gwen: no one ASKED

Lindsay: adventure cramp was so silly though! I think i follow that one click clock dude..

Cody: lol

Harold: season 1 was great though!

Noah: there was an old lady, a six year old, a probably now divorced man who probably pays child support, lesbians, and a gay spy. Only you would think that.


Cody: we do not speak about that. though i wonder if they ever got together

Jose: they did

Duncan: who keeps adding him

Lindsay: hi James!!

Jose: how does my brother put up w you

Heather: idk either

Noah removed Jose from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Cody: literally love him

Noah: go back to bed we have a date in the morning

Gwen: romantic~

Heather: kys

Lindsay: what does that mean?

Duncan: you dont need to know

Lindsay: ok!

Harold: sigh

Cody: hey noah do you know anyone whos met the disventure contestants?

Noah: why do you ask specifically me

Gwen: noah you know like everyone, you talk to that weird pahkitew girl sky
Gwen: then youre related to that fucking prick

Noah: thats true

Harold: I have connections with them, i visit my dude Kai and his girl Maggy out in the woods sometimes!

Lindsay: what do they live in the woods?

Harold: apparently they're one with nature now, I fully support their choice.

Heather: you guys are weird

Gwen: no they just know too much

Cody: 99 bottles of beer



Cody: sigh

Noah: see what you've done

Lindsay: I wish Tyler were here...

Tyler: huh

Lindsay: yay!!! its a Christmas miracle!!!

Tyler: wsp

Heather: cant believe hes not freaking out

Tyler: why should I?

Duncan: bro

Cody: where is al when we need him

Gwen: dunno

Cody: i will start spamming cavetown lyrics to awake him


Cody: :(

Noah: all of you shut up omg

Cody: yes sir........

Duncan: homosexuals

Heather: you're literally dating a guy you cant say anything

Cody: WHAT

Gwen: in the middle of the niiiight
Gwen: in the middle of the niiiight
Gwen: what does it say next

Harold: idk

Heather: i think you guys r on drugs

Lindsay: cocaine?

Gwen: I-

Cody: I somke wigs

Tyler: oh!

Heather: somke?

Duncan: IWFS?
Duncan: WISG
Duncan: WIGS*

Eva: ITS 12 FUCKING 45

Lindsay: oops!

Duncan: Hey heather

Heather: I still do not want to watch porn with you

Duncan: aw fuck

Words: 508
A/n: ive developed an unhealthy obsession w disventure camp

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