NeW Yo0rk

747 9 26


Trent: ok, @everyone. Come clean
Trent: actually I don't remember what I was gonna say

Katie: aw

Sadie: ik!

Heather: heyyy I'm single now

Courtney: wow nobody cares

Gwen: I should be to at this point

Cody: I still have that bra


Tyler: how does noah deal with you

Cody: I actually wonder that too

Noah: takes a lot of strength

Duncan: I bet your a virgin by choice

Noah: how'd you know?

Cody: 😀

Sadie: omg, where would you guys live if u could?!

Katie: omg I'd live near youuuu girl!

Sadie: ofccc!

Courtney: new york



DJ: new yooooork



Gwen: what

DJ: you've never seen Hamilton?

Gwen: nope

Trent: I think I started it
Trent: I watched the recorded version

Sierra: same!
Sierra: omg Cody you like Hamilton?!

Cody: I wish I didn't now

Duncan: it came out in 2016??

DJ: so good ik

Trent: court why do you wanna move to NY?

Courtney: it's so beautiful and busy, I'm all for the big city

Gwen: sorry to tell you, but no say we're getting to NY

Justin: especially being so ugly

Duncan: 💀

Courtney: fuck you

Trent: 🚶‍♂️

Heather: you guys are wild

Gwen: ty

Owen: anyone want donuts?

Trent: owen where do you work

Owen: I design??

Courtney: oh wow

Owen: yeaaa but anyone want donuts?

Izzy !!: I'll get donuts w u Big-O!

Owen: yayayy

DJ: your friendship is so wholesome

Trent: DJ your the most innocent person here

Owen: ^

DJ: aw thanks man

Duncan: if only you were here for the boy alliance...

Gwen: ughh

Trent: oh yea, fuck you heather

Alejandro: what did I miss

Duncan: stop coming on every time we say 'fuck' and 'Heather' in the same sentence

Courtney: your desperate aren't you Alejandro

Alejandro: a man never tells his secrets

Tyler: he is

Alejandro: tu perra-
Alejandro: angry because Barbie broke up with you?

Tyler: i-

DJ: hey don't bring up his girl like that man

Gwen: DJ how are you so nice to everyone

Trent: honestly

(Secret Clubio)

Cody sent an attachment

Gwen: yea like noah would totally fuck you cody

Alejandro: is that a heart I see by his name? 🤨

Cody: maybe...

Gwen: omg is trent making out w justin again
Gwen: he's gotta stop missing our gay meetings

Trent: nah we're just hanging out
Trent: man when are you gonna confess

Cody: I'm not??

Gwen: istg cody

Alejandro: I will call sierra on you

Cody: DAD NO

Alejandro: dad yes.

Cody: I'll do it soon I swear 💀

Gwen/Sarcastic Bitch

Gwen: did you say you would fuck cody

Sarcastic Bitch: bold of you to assume I would

Gwen: noah do you like him
Gwen: like srsly

Sarcastic Bitch: what are you gonna say if I say yes

Gwen sent an attachment

Gwen: 😇
Gwen: yknow he wanted his first kiss w tounge right

Sarcastic Bitch: I'm not kissing him
Sarcastic Bitch: not w tounge at least

Gwen: dammit

Sarcastic Bitch: what's he doing rn

Gwen: on call w trent
Gwen: it's all part of our plan...
Gwen: now go knock on his window and kiss him you little shit

Sarcastic Bitch: front door??

Gwen: that's not romantic.
Gwen: now go before trent gives in to that shitty male model

Words: 570

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