Fucks you sexily 🥰 (party pt 1)

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Da Boise

Cody: gets on knees

Harold: this is not ur dms w Noah u realize

Trent: pfft

Cody: Noah is so fine /srs

Justin: sending that to Noah ❤️

Trent: let's talk abt how Justin caps everyone's name like ur so respectful

Noah 🤧/ Cody 💀

Cody: NOAH
Cody: b4 u block me I need to tell u smth

Noah: only if it's a valid reason not to block you

Cody: it is

Noah: fine

Cody: I stand with what I said
Cody: your so fine 😫

Message could not be sent


Cody: can noah see my messages here
Cody: bc he blocked me :(

Heather: no? Obvi

Courtney: oh God what did you send him now

Cody: well...

Alejandro: don't answer that
Alejandro: mi amor~

Heather: no.

Bridgette: party is tomorrow at uhm
Bridgette: I'll have to check w Geoffy on the time

Heather: never say 'geoffy' in this gc ever again

Noah: I love you Cody

Cody: wait really?

Noah: no

Courtney: lol

Cody: you liked me enough to unlock me?

Noah: don't make me change my mind

Trent: anyways.... who's coming to the party?

Duncan: me

Cody: me

Harold: me

LeShawna: ofc

Gwen: if there's alcohol then yes

Beth: sure

Ezekiel: yessirrrr

Heather: homeschool and cringe kitten have a social life?

Beth: shut up u lying bitch

Eva removed Beth from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Izzy !!: yuhuh!!!!!!

Eva: to make sure she doesn't commit a felony while drunk

Courtney: ^^ except Gwen




Geoff: I'm also inviting some of my bros from other seasons js so u know

Noah: which other seasons

Geoff: oh u know, all of them

Noah: count me out

Eva: no your driving us

Noah: actually I take that back

Izzy !!: nope, u gottaaaaaa drive us

Noah: fuck you

Cody: wait pick me up tooo

Sierra: I'll pick u up Codykins <3333

Noah: did he ask you?

Justin: Noah getting all defensive for his bf 🥰 so sweet

Noah: I hate you sm

The next day...

"I can't believe I always get stuck with you guys" Noah mumbles over the phone with Cody. He was on his way pick Cody up for the party. Izzy was bouncing in the backseat with Eva. "Oh you like us Noah" Cody says, pulling his sweater over his head. He picked up his phone and made his way outside his apartment. Noah did like them, he just hated how silly they were. How immature they were for practical adults.

"Don't be a bitch about it Noah, your partying. Just have a good time!"

Cody locks the door.

"What happened to your no swearing rule?"

"Justin never has to know, does he?"

Noah chuckles. Cody smiles. Noah's end of the line shuts off as Cody watches him pull into the driveway. The window in the backseat rolls down Izzy pops her out the window. "Cooooody!" She yells as Cody makes his way to the passenger seat. "Who's ready to paaaartaaay?!" Eva pushes Izzy down by her shoulders and buckles her seatbelt again. Cody can feel Owen kick his legs in the backseat. The ride would be long and loud. "How far is Geoffs house from here?" Cody asks. Noah shrugs. "You know where your going.. right?" Noah shook his head. "Nooo, clue." Obviously he was being sarcastic so he made sure to sigh extra loudly just so Cody would hear him.


Cody: where are we going
Cody: noahs being mean

"I'm using Google maps you realize"

Cody: like I said, mean

Gwen: (insert address)

Courtney: she's already drunk js so you know

Owen: ok so like, who brought food

Bridgette: Emma, Brody, some other randos

Trent: are the drama bros still?

Geoff: oh ofc!

Heather: I'm scared to know what that means

Cody: oh yeaaaa... @Harold, u got them?

Eva: talking in code is so stupid

Justin: respectfully, stfu ❤️

Harold: yessir
Harold: GOSH eva why u gotta be so angsty

Cody silenced his phone and leaned his head back in the seat. Waiting for the moment they pulled up at Geoffs house, he tried to talk to Noah, who surprisingly listened to Cody ramble. Well that was weird.

"Yoooo, Tyler! My man!"
Geoff and Tyler do a fist bump as Tyler and Lindsay arrived together. "This is sooo cool Gerald!" Lindsay says. The two walk off, probably to relax. "Oh dear," Bridgette walks up to Geoff. He raises an eyebrow. Bridgette points put the window, past all the parked cars, to reveal the big white care with fancy headlights and shiny license plate pull up. The Drama Bros. Well, all of them except Cody. Geoff makes his way outside to greet the boys. "Yo, you guys ready?" Justin nods and swings his keys. "GOSH" Harold exclaims from the trunk. "First you guys flirt the whole way here, now you make me carry all the equipment? What friends you guys are!" Trent rolls his eyes. "We weren't flirting" Harold argues with this. Geoff assists them with their stuff and brings it to the big empty room in Geoffs house.

"This is gonna be great man"
"Yeah, if only Cody doesn't spend all his time sucking face with Noah"
"Only if Noah would let me suck face with him,"

Justin jumps. Cody appears not to them with his head down. "Don't get your hope sup Cody" Noah walks past them. Izzy tumbles into Geoffs house, Eva holds a leash in her hand. Owen is helping Trent with the speakers.

What a wild night this would be...

Words: 942

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