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Cody: i wanan get him back...

Gwen: no

Noah: sigh

Duncan: i hate tyops
Duncan: STOP IT

Courtney: HHAHAHA

LeShawna: ooh girl

Duncan: im gonna jump

Gwen: twins

Justin: guys Trent has a big forehead

Noah: damn fr?

LeShawna: you cannot say anything

Gwen: neither can you Justin with yo long ass chin

LeShawna: FRRR

Tyler: "Cody has a tiny sausage!"

Cody: STOP.

Duncan: LMAO

Heather: dude doesnt have a sausage at all

Courtney: jus thow you dont have a pussy?

Heather: .


Cody: stop bullying me

Noah: no

Gwen: never

Tyler: guys remember Eine Kleine

Noah: ....

Courtney: fr

Gwen: and my rap guys

Courtney: BARK  WOFF

Gwen: ....

Cody: oui my friends
Cody: im actually gay

Duncan: HA

Sierra: oui my friends all i did was love him true...

Noah: twinning

Cody: IHY

Gwen: LMAO

Justin: why do we keep doing these 'remember this' thing

Gwen: its funny

Courtney: gives us more fuel to sue Chris!!

LeShawna: ^

Sierra: 123....


Duncan: man this sucks

Gwen: yea

Tyler: only Chris would make us sing in a plane

Gwen: frr

Cody: DIE.

Courtney: ...

Duncan: if im hard should i call Deej

LeShawna: HUH?

DJ: Please dont call me after that

Noah: ^

Izzy: >:3
Izzy: im gonna steal ur balls!!

Gwen: coughs

Cody: pls dont take my non existant dick

Noah: existent hun

Cody: ...


DJ: ...

Justin: let me get this straight.. you're dating right?

DJ: surprisingly

Gwen: lol

Tyler: have yall read Percy Jackson?

Noah: Cody burned my books before I could finish them.

Cody: :3

Heather: im proud of you kid

Cody: yayy!!

Courtney: how did Heather become a mom

LeShawna: nobody knows girl

Gwen: fr

Tyler: guys if Alejandro willingly gives himself to people does that mean hes a hoe?


Duncan: bye

DJ: ikr

Tyler: its trueeee!!!

Noah: literally yes it is

Duncan: eww you sound like Harold

Heather: dont diss him in public dumbass

DJ: guys what did you get for Valentines

Noah: nothing

Gwen: ^^

Courtney: im sorry-

Cody: so sorry....

LeShawna: geoff i rlly think u ruleeee

Courtney: goddamn it

LeShawna: ooh girl we just slept like all day

Cody: i was being a maid

Noah: ok you can kys

Heather: oh?

Gwen: why do you guys have such an odd relationship

Cody: he loves maid me

Noah: you tacky piece of

Eva muted Noah for 3 minutes

LeShawna: HA

Courtney: bl guys

DJ: stop bc tdi fanfics are actually so funny

Gwen: oh no

Harold: i wonder if the readers think were funny

LeShawna: what readers string bean

Harold: the readers!!

Cody: ig we'll find out later on total drama ogs gc or smth lmao

Chris: thats my line :(

Eva removed Chris from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Words: 461

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