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Duncan: @Geoff
Duncan: put it in there bitch

Geoff: bet

Courtney: 😨

Trent: wtf

Justin: we should do that later


Justin: yea

Cody: 😭

Bridgette: let it gooooo
Bridgette: let it goooooooo

Lindsay: can't hold it back anymoreeee

Duncan: can't hold back.....

Courtney: please stop explaining your sex w geoff in our gc

Bridgette: should've know

Tyler: Linds just saw the frozen movie for the first time today

Lindsay: it was great!!!

Alejandro: I had to buy candy the whole time

Tyler: shush

Trent: frozen is banger ngl

Courtney: ^

Cody: please help
Cody: my husband is physically abusing me

Owen: he got smacked across the mouth
Owen: oh well now noah kissed him

Cody: it still hurts

Heather: you deserved it

Gwen: noah sucks ass ‼️

Sierra: real

Alejandro: real

Heather: real

Eva: real

Bridgette: eva help 😭

Eva: its real

Cody: what do you guys have against my noah..?

Gwen: he's bad

Sierra: he's not yours

Alejandro: he's a dick

Heather: I don't like him

Eva: he's a pussy

Duncan: that nerd once recited the 100 digits of pie under his breath flawlessly
Duncan: I recorded it all

Courtney: 😭

Bridgette: that's uhm

Cody: none of that proves a point
Cody: and he is pretty smart

Gwen: nobody cares Cody

Sierra: ^

Harold: wsg

Heather: kys

Harold: im going back to my emo playlist

Duncan: anime*

Harold: piss off

Courtney: real

Gwen: 😭

Alejandro: come fly w us

Noah: off yourself

Geoff: 😨

Bridgette: I thought you guys were still fucking

Duncan: we are


Noah: off yourself too

Gwen: I'm gonna consume you

Cody: she's a man eaterrrr

Trent: a man eateerrr

Gwen: also a pussy eater

Bridgette: 😨

Trent: erm

Tyler: I think I'm high

Ezekiel: same eh

Tyler: cooooooollll

Cody: @Noah baby you can't tell my family to off themselves...
Cody: that's mean

Gwen: you also can't physically abuse your partner


Heather: uh huh

Noah: do not call me baby

Cody: pretty boy

Noah: stop

Bridgette: you guys are silly

Lindsay: ^

Duncan: it's your turn geoff...

Geoff: bet 😏

Courtney: UHM....

Sierra: i got ss of all of it


Duncan: erm

crazy? I was crazy once
The locked me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room full of rats
Rats make me crazy

crazy? I was crazy once
The locked me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room full of rats
Rats make me crazy

crazy? I was crazy once
The locked me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room full of rats
Rats make me crazy

crazy? I was crazy once
The locked me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room full of rats
Rats make me crazy

Lindsay: uhm... is tyler OK?

Tyler: .

Gwen: .

Trent: .

Cody: .

Lindsay: . (?)

Duncan: did you js call him
Duncan: tyler..?

Lindsay: yes?


Alejandro: he's crying

Courtney: it's a rare Lindsay Knows Ur Name sighting guys ‼️

Sierra: got it!

Gwen: ^

Cody: real

Lindsay: am I getting his name wrong or smth..?

Tyler: NP
Tyler: UP
Tyler: N0
Tyler: NO

Alejandro: mi amor it's ok-

Cody: let him have his moment

Noah: goddammit I hate you guys

Words: 545

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