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Cody: help
Cody: sierra knows where I live

Gwen: damn..

DJ: man you really need a restraining order against her

Sierra: it's not like I've been to your house
Sierra: not recently at least

LeShawna: oop

Cody: how fast can I get married in move in

Noah: you haven't even had sex and you want to get married?

Cody: please..?

Courtney: 💀

DJ: sierra.. ever though about therapy

LeShawna: REAL

Sierra: why do you say so?

Gwen: omg

Bridgette: do us all a favor and leave Cody alone-

Eva removed Sierra from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Bridgette: nice

Chris added Sierra to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Gwen: I thought we unadded you?

Chris: I have all power

Cody: Jesus? Is that u?

Chris: chef they found out

Chef: bippity boppity you heard nothing


Cody: anyways....

Sierra: thanks chris!!!

Courtney: oh fuck off

Alejandro: man I never should have ate that train


Noah: who injected him with stupidity

Bridgette: uhm
Bridgette: are you ok?

Tyler: do not be alarmed, it was an edible train ‼️

Courtney: tyler no train is edible...

Noah: you guys have been hanging out w Lindsay haven't you?

DJ: 💀

Tyler: it was a marshmallow train! But we tried to make the marshmallows and I think we both have food poisoning now

DJ: are yall.. ok?

Alejandro: if you had food poisoning would u be OK?

Bridgette: well uhm anyways..

Owen: did u guys say marshmallows?!

Tyler: no owen..

Owen: I could've sworn u said marshmallows... :(

Eva: there's two bags of marshmallows in your pantry.

Owen: they're expired :(

Courtney: owen just eat smth else 💀

Lindsay: yea like a dinosaur!

Cody: WHAT

Tyler: she probably means Dino nuggets

Cody: oh thank God

Eva: your a fucking idiot

Gwen: fredbears

Duncan: yes.


Cody: I can shove one

Noah: please do not say my name in the next sentence

Cody: dammit

Alejandro: I did not like where that next sentence was going

Cody: I was going to turn it into an offer for sex but that's not happening

Gwen: I hate you

Noah: so real

Sierra: I don't 🥰

Cody: guessed who asked? Not me!

Eva removed Seirra from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Cody: thanks Eva, you're a real one

Eva: go fuck yourself

Duncan: I think we all know who's job that is..

Noah: die

Tyler: please 🙏 ♥️

DJ: thanks for being nice man

Tyler: it's very painful typing when you're shaking

DJ:... I think u should get off man

Tyler: one step ahead of you

Gwen: well

Courtney: all of this bc sierra is a stalker

Cody: 😪

Gwen: could never be me, my gf is so wonderful <33

Courtney: you are too <33

Cody: can't say the same for my partner

Eva: you really can't

Noah: shut up

Gwen: all of you shut up

Bridgette: it's 9:54 at night...

Gwen: pulling an all nighter 🦖

Courtney: and in the morning were back at annoying you

Eva left ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Words: 517

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