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Owen: does anyone else talk to the bathroom stall door as if we were in confessionals?

Courtney: guilty as charged

Gwen: sadly I do

Cody: yup

LeShawna: yea

Eva: surprisingly

Beth: it's like a habit!

Heather: yea. And it's chris mclames fault

Chris: mclean*

Gwen: get tf away from me

Cody: light work no reaction 🥰

Alejandro: will we never talk abt noah playing soccer?

Noah: no

Heather: actually let's talk about it.


Noah: it was in grade school
Noah: year 3

Courtney: 3rd grade*

Beth: you could still play sports tho??

Lindsay: "sports, not my forte" -Noelle

Heather: noah*

Noah: I was goalie.

Cody: 😭😭😭

Gwen: cody shut up

DJ: you still lied??

Heather: mhm

LeShawna: turkey, sugar, u should've seen ur elimination coming.

Eva: yup

Noah: you got eliminated like second shut up

Courtney: you should've seen yours coming too eva.

Eva: OK I DID.

Gwen: E-Scope were the worst players in the show

Izzy !!: explosivo knows where you live

Noah: I know where you work.

Eva: I know your full name.

Gwen: that's my cue to sign out ✌️

Courtney: waaaaait wanna watch movies?

Gwen: ofc babe

Cody: noah...

Noah: fine. I'm coming over

Cody: thanks dad

Alejandro: por supuesto hijo

Heather: were not your parents

Cody: shut up 😒

LeShawna: this chat is dying slowly
LeShawna: @everyone

Lindsay: hiii

Trent: let me make out w my boyfriend PEACEFULLY

Justin: yea

Duncan: yea
Duncan: except I don't have a bf
Duncan: YOU HAVE A BF?

Trent: yes

Justin: he does

Harold: gosh it's so obvious

Heather: omg


Cody: now shut up and stop making me feel single

Noah: I'm literally at the store buying you gifts

Cody: my lips are still virgin...

Heather: you are a virgin

Harold: noah can change that though

Noah: get out

Harold left ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Eva: I'm sure one of you has sex dreams


Sierra: I bet you have sex dreams of me cody 🥰

Heather: omg

Alejandro: stop

Cody: actually though stop

Sierra: anything for you Codykins <333

Noah: your codkins isnt very loyal to you if he's going out w me

Cody: noah has very soft lips

LeShawna: i-

Eva: you just said your lips were still virgin

Noah: they are


Sierra: your just jealous you can't have him yourself

Heather: no YOURE just jealous YOU can't have Cody for yourself

Alejandro: my god you're even sexy over text

Cody: disown me

Alejandro: no

Heather: no

LeShawna: the snake is right though sierra

Geoff: yea dude. Like not cool you do that to my boy cody

Noah: please let me have a relationship in peace

Cody: ^
Cody: so how about that kiss noah?

Noah removed Cody from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️
Sierra added Cody to ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️
Cody removed Sierra from ✨️TOTAL DRAMA OGS✨️

Noah: ok maybe you will get that kiss

Geoff: 📸


Words: 511

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