cody the virgin

960 11 81

A/n: homophobia in this chapter

(Secret Clubio)


Alejandro: did you send this just to turn cody on

Trent: I bet it worked

Cody: SHSHHHDHHhhhhHhhshhhHhhdh
Cody: I'm hanging w noah
Cody: he could look over my shoulder at any moment

Trent: woahhhh cody made a move??

Cody: no he needed somewhere to stay for a few days

Alejandro: forgot to pay rent did he?

Cody: no 💀

Gwen: wait so where is he sleeping
Gwen: bc u have 1 bed in ur apartment

Trent: and that couch is harder than my dick

Alejandro: 💀

Cody: so I shouldn't let him sleep on the couch

Gwen: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Alejandro: no you sleep on the couch cody. Have you never done this before?



Izzy !!: izzy says that is not cool of you Eva 😔

Owen: anyone wanna come eat w me

Heather: no I'm on a diet

Owen: :(

Beth: I'll go get food w u owen!!

Owen: yayyyy

Izzy !!: gonna go blow up smth brb!BRB!

Courtney: aren't u in ireland??


Courtney: yea she posted on insta the other day...


Harold: how'd we all miss this

Geoff: duuuude
Geoff: and I kiss my homies and they call me gay 😔

Noah: you give brody tounge every time you kiss

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