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OK so if you didn't read the description here's the low-down:

FIRSTLY: I will not be writing any smut, as a disastrous asexual I do NOT know how to write that, it MAY change in future, but don't get your hopes up. I also will not be writing lemons, because; 1, I barely know what that means, 2, if it's what I think it is that's messed up and I do NOT feel comfortable with it at all. 

SECONDLY: I apologize if my writing is sub-par, I am not experienced, but I will say I feel I MAY be able to do a little better than some of the stuff I've read on here, but I make no promises.

THIRDLY: I will mainly be doing characters that i'm personally a fan of because that's way easier to write not gonna lie, but I will be accepting requests for anyone (although i can't guarantee i'll know much about them) at this time so let me have 'em. 

FOURTH-LY?(is that a word?): try not to take anything here too seriously, we're all human, and this is mostly just an outlet for me to practice my writing skills. (also feel free to comment on it, constructive criticism is a good thing, but also don't be too harsh that's no fun for anyone) 

FIFTH-LY(definitely not a word but whatever): if you want to make requests you can dm me, but if you would rather remain anonymous then i'll pop a link here later to a uquiz-thing where that can go down (edit: here's the link, ) 

anyway enough of my rambling, enjoy :) (also pls interact I crave validation from random people from the internet </3 plus it boosts the story and gets it to more people soooo....) 

(edit: just an fyi i have done some reshuffling of the chapters as of late so they're now in a vague order) 

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