request - Din Djarin

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ok so this was my first request, it was anonymous and not an easy one ngl, not sure how i want to write this, but to the person who requested this i hope it's ok!

plot summary: the character (you know the drill you can use your own name but the character's is Kyarani enth) and Din were childhood friends, they were playing when their town got attacked by droids, Din's parents grabbed him and took him to the bunker (this part is basically just the cannon event plus some) he assumed that his friend had died, untill years later, while on florrum for a supply run he comes across- actually i'll just let you find out for yourself

hope it's not terrible <3  ~1400 words 


Din's pov: 

"Din!! eurgh haha! that face is nasty"

"What? this one" I roll my eyes back and smile wildly. 

She squeals with laughter again.

but then her laughter is abruptly ended, as fear sweeps over her face.

"Rani? you ok?" I ask cautiously 

"Something's wrong..." 

Before either of us can process what just happened, a huge explosion goes off just a block over from the street we're on.

Everything from this point on is a blurry mess, my parents scoop me up, I scream for Kyarani but they just keep running, begging me to close my eyes, gunshots ring out but I barely notice, only focused on keeping my eyes shut as tight as I can. 

Eventually we reach a bunker, I look up to see my parents for the last time, they close the bunker and moments later... BANG... silence.

I sit there for what feels like hours, until the door opens, light cascading down upon the dank dusty hole.

"Hey- mando"

I blink, recovering from my dozy state as quick as possible.


"Don't fall asleep." says Ran, as I readjust in my seat. 

"I wasn't asleep."

"Yeah... right..." calls another voice, Xi'an, from across the room "well we're about to land, but by all means stay here and get some beauty sleep" she says patronizingly 

I get up and go to grab some gear from the storage locker over by the door. 

"Remember you three this is an in and out stop, we're just grabbing supplies, no making friends." Ran emphasizes that last part while looking pointedly at Xi'an, she merely shrugs and sets off towards the bar.

"Keep an eye on her Qin." he says as Qin heads off in the same direction, nodding in acknowledgement of his words.

"Alright mando, you're the weapons man, go get us some ammo, and make sure not to go to that shifty zabrak, his stuff nearly blew up my blaster last time." 

I nod and head off towards the more reputable of the two weapons dealers, an elderly- but pretty mean looking- weequay man, he looks at me with a rather displeased expression.

I select what I need and get ready to pay.

"That's 800 credits"


"Are you deaf? or just stupid? 800 credits." 

"That's more than you charged the last guy."

"Well he didn't kill my brother, did he?" 

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