# 2 Ahsoka Tano

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ok so one shot #2 here we go- 

this is Ahsoka and the character (her name is Kie'sha) meeting for the first time, Kie'sha is the apprentice of another jedi, master Caoimhe Enreth (pronounced kee-va, it's a celtic name that i love dw abt it) who has seemingly... interesting... relationship with one Obi-wan Kenobi, they bond over their masters'... interesting... relationship. uhh idk fluff ig?  kinda short, sorry, I was strapped for time.



I turn around to spot a short-er togruta girl beaming at me, stood next to her are masters Skywalker and Kenobi, they are deep in conversation with my master, leaving me face to face with who I assume is one of the former's padawan.

"Hello! you must be master Skywalker's new padawan, I hope he's treating you well, Caoimhe tells me that he can be a bit... unique in his methods." I'm not quite sure why I felt the need to add the last bit, I sound like a snob now.

"Oh no, he's great, just don't tell him I said that, he'll get a big head and then we'll never hear the end of it."

I laugh at this, my master always tells me stories about missions that she's gone on with Kenobi and Skywalker, they're definitely a unique bunch.

"Oh by the way, my name's Ahsoka- Ahsoka Tano, what's yours?'


"Oh nice, can I call you Kiki?" Ahsoka asks beaming pleasantly.

"Only if I can call you Kaka." I retort teasingly, with a smile.

"Yeah not sure that ones gonna work." she giggles 

"Alright I guess i'll have to settle for 'Soka then won't I." 

"Yeah that sounds a lot better to me" she says still giggling a bit.

There's a slight pause before;

"So masters Kenobi and Enreth... there's something there isn't there." she says with her arms crossed over her chest as a knowing smirk graces her face.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." I say, mirroring her actions.

"Of course, how silly of me, after all the jedi shouldn't have attachments." she says dryly as we watch Kenobi and Caoimhe awkwardly go to shake hands after fumbling what looked like an almost-hug. 

"Oh and of course two of the most perfect- model- inspirational, jedi would never dream of disobeying the order" I added, even dryer, as they both went furiously red after Skywalker eyed them both suspiciously.

"I have a feeling i'm really going to enjoy your company Kiki." Ahsoka smiled, and I couldn't help but agree with her. this would be fun. 


aaaand that's one-shot number 2 done, sorry it's kinda short, and kinda bad, I tried my best but as I said i'm kinda new to the whole writing thing, hope you enjoyed, also please do tell me if my oc names are cringey, I genuinely can't tell. 

anyway peace and love, hope you enjoyed <3 

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