- hugs

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how they feel about hugs, and what their hugs are like (sorry if this is cringe i just have strong opinions on things)

Obi-wan - he wouldn't be a huge fan of hugs (mr model jedi) but when he does they're really tight, like he doesn't wanna let go, also his beard 1000% scratches, but who cares because it's a nice moment.

Rex - ok he wouldn't do hugs in public, however, when there's no one around he would be more than willing to hand out rib-crushing hugs, gentle ones, long, short, you name it. they would be a little uncomfy when he has his armor on but still super warm and comfy.

Ahsoka - hug QUEEN!! you're sad? HUG. you're angry? HUG. you just got a job you really wanted? HUG. her hugs are always tight but not restricting, and she has a tendency to lift people off the ground. (buff ahsoka is real cannon not just headcannon ok?) 

Luke - he's also a big hug fan, but his tend to be a lot softer, he just loves comforting people.

Leia - hot take, she wouldn't be huge on hugs, only if you know her really well. If you were blessed with knowing her well enough to receive hugs you would be in for it though, they're so damn comfy, like 10/10 would fall asleep.

Din - he's in a similar boat to rex, not a huge fan of any hugs in public, needs to keep up his macho bounty hunter reputation you know? but behind closed doors he won't leave you alone, the phrase 'attached at the hip' comes to mind

Cassian - he claims he's 'not a hugger' but then you get to know him more and realize how much of a little liar he is. super comfy hugs 10/10, scratchy beard like obi-wan but literally who cares? 

Cal - he does not know what personal space is let's be real, obviously he respects people's wishes if they say they're not up for it but like- if you even look remotely down he will swoop in and bombard you. comfy af- he would rest his chin on your shoulder, regardless of how much taller or shorter you are. 

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